An Australian woman, Kaylene Mann, tragically lost her brother and her sister-in-law in the Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappearance in March. In an unbelievable twist of fate, Mann's stepdaughter was killed yesterday when MH17 was shot down over eastern Ukraine.

Mann's brother, Greg Burrows, said, "It's just brought everyone, everything back. It's just … ripped our guts again." Mann's stepdaughter, Maree Rizk, was among the 27 Australians who were killed in yesterday's attack, which U.S. officials believe was likely carried out by pro-Russian separatists. Rizk's husband Albert was also killed.

Mann's brother and sister-in-law, Rod and Mary Burrows, were two of the six Australian passengers on flight MH370.

The majority of passengers on MH17 were Dutch, and there were large numbers of Malaysian and Australian citizens as well. The nationalities of four passengers on the 298-person plane have yet to be identified.

[Image via 9 Now]