In early September, a group of teenagers hunting birds in a forest off Pulau Sugbay, South Ubian Tawi-Tawi, in the southern Philippines, came across the wreckage of a Malaysian plane filled with skeletons, Free Malaysia Today reports.

In a statement, Sabah Commissioner of Police Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman said that, according to the police report, “There was a skeleton still in the pilot’s seat. The pilot had his safety belt on and the communication gear attached to his head and ears.”

The man who filed the report, Jalaluddin said, “informed police that the wreckage could be that of a plane that disappeared last year.”

According to the New York Post, authorities believe that the wreckage may belong to the still-missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. The always-skeptical Daily Mail points out, however, that that would be quite bizarre, given that debris from the flight was found on Reunion Island, which is separated from the Philippines by Borneo, the Malaysian mainland, and parts of Indonesia.

“I have told the [Department of Civil Aviation] to look into the report. We don’t know if the report is true, so we need to verify it first,” Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai said. “Let’s not speculate and give space to the DCA to conduct its investigation.”

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