
The $1,500 Seersucker Man-Skort Lives

Hamilton Nolan · 05/21/09 12:33PM

The Way We Live Now: Fashionably. But only for the necessities. $775 shorts for the men. Online shopping sprees for the olds. The basics.

When Appliances Made Americans Weird

Hamilton Nolan · 04/27/09 04:15PM

Classic appliance ads from the halcyon days when women were in the kitchen, dad was drunk in the den, and kids were really fucking creepy-looking: is there anything better?

Foreplay: Unnecessary

Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/09 11:21AM

Will the wondrous advances of science never cease? Ladies and gentlemen, a new study has proven that foreplay is totally unnecessary. Just dive right in!

Women: Horny

Hamilton Nolan · 01/25/09 12:00PM

"And with the women, especially the straight women, mind and genitals seemed scarcely to belong to the same person." Don't we know it! Here, we save you thousands of words of reading:

Hey, Mr. Mom: Your Wife Wants To Bang Don Draper

Hamilton Nolan · 10/15/08 10:58AM

Hey, fey Park Slope stay-at-home dad who's taking care of the kids and cooking dinner because you've been freed from the yoke of oppressive gender roles: your wife wants to fuck a real man! A swarthy, hard-drinking, two-timing, emotionally distant sex hound who's not going to stop in the middle of things and think about whether he packed the kids' lunches properly. Sorry, Park Slope dad; your wife thinks you're a pussy. And you know who else thinks you're a pussy? The New York Observer. (Wow, that's bad!). They got in touch directly with your womenfolk, and they're all fantasizing about Don Draper, the heroic asshole star of Mad Men:

Actual Proof That Details Is Gay

Hamilton Nolan · 10/08/08 03:55PM

Ever since gay men's magazine Details launched, sharp-sighted observers—those with two eyeballs—have pointed out that it is, essentially, a gay magazine. We were writing about it five years ago! It's led to years and years of jokes about the magazine's gay contests and gay covers and gay vending machines. But now, at long last, we have actual proof that Details is, without a doubt, a solid member of the homosexual magazine cabal: One of our tipsters subscribes to different magazines under different names, in order to smoke out those that are selling his name to various marketers. He's a Details subscriber. And lo and behold, which other magazine just sent him a discount voucher? The Advocate—the oldest LGBT magazine in America: