
NYT Media Reporter Is Dating CNBC Anchor

Hamilton Nolan · 06/15/11 02:00PM

In your weaponized Wednesday media column: Brian Stelter forms a media power couple, the NYT's Week in Review revamp approaches, Keith Olbermann's childishness cataloged, Lloyd Grove lurches drunkenly, and the NY Daily News gets new offices.

Magazine Industry: Falling, but Then Rising!

Hamilton Nolan · 06/14/11 02:01PM

In your tremulous Tuesday media column: hard times ahead for magazines, the WSJ is batting .500, David Simon is (reasonably) touchy, investigative reporting may survive, and Weiner/ hole information.

New York Post Exclusive: Ladies Argue in Supermarket

Hamilton Nolan · 06/14/11 08:43AM

In the cutthroat tabloid wars of America's most competitive media market, scoops are the currency by which newspapers live and die. Today, the New York Post has scored what may prove to be the definitive journalistic coup in its centuries-long battle for supremacy in Gotham's newspaper market: the EXCLUSIVE story of one lady being mad at another lady, in the supermarket.

Michael Wolff's Analysis of NYT: They're Ugly

Hamilton Nolan · 06/13/11 02:18PM

In your misty Monday media column: Michael Wolff vs. David Carr continues, as does the HuffPo's hiring spree, as does the growth of the class action suit against HuffPo, Gay Talese gives the NYT props, Time magazine has an apocalyptic "brand image," and AMI is for sale.

What Not to Do When Being Profiled by the Media

Hamilton Nolan · 06/13/11 11:15AM

Philippe Reines (pictured, at left) is Hillary Clinton's longtime adviser/ flack/ purse-toter. He's an inveterate gossip-spreader, self-promoter, and berater of reporters on behalf of his boss. And he loves to be recognized for his work! So the fact that Reines is profiled in the Washington Post today is not a surprise. What is a surprise: after all these years, Reines still has no idea how to not come off like an asshole.

Greta Van Susteren Unclear on What Journalism Is

Hamilton Nolan · 06/10/11 03:04PM

In your finally Friday media column: Greta Van Susteren stands up for Sarah Palin, the NYT vs. HuffPo Twitter traffic war, an excellent history of The National, Conde Nast must have its own air, and Larry King comments on penises.

Two Convictions in Murder of Oakland Newspaper Editor

Hamilton Nolan · 06/10/11 09:25AM

Four years ago, Chauncey Bailey, the 57 year-old editor of the Oakland Post, was working on a story about the shady finances of Your Black Muslim Bakery, a longtime community institution with criminal tendencies. As he was walking down the street one day, a man walked up and murdered him with a shotgun. It was a hit, a consequence of his work. And yesterday, he finally got justice.

Be a Hero: Go Into Local News

Hamilton Nolan · 06/09/11 09:30AM

Ah, the luxuries of life in a world with more media outlets than ever. A world where any ambitious young aspiring journalist can... move to New York, and work for a blog. Hmm.

The 'Fairness Doctrine' Finally Will Be Laid to Rest

Jim Newell · 06/08/11 03:58PM

Bad news for Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and idiot Republican candidates on the campaign trail who have nothing better to talk about: They'll no longer be able to scare listeners with the prospect of Democrats reviving the Fairness Doctrine! Because FCC chair Julius Genachowski has agreed to take the dated, unenforced rule out of its books, once and for all.

White Kids Are Losing the TV-Watching Race

Hamilton Nolan · 06/08/11 01:33PM

In your sweltering Wednesday media column: the racial media gap unveiled, Chris Jones has a new column, NOTW apologizes to Sienna Miller, NBC gets the Olympics forever, and Bob Herbert gets a job.

Weiner Should Resign, Says Guy Fresh Off 'Slut' Suspension

Hamilton Nolan · 06/07/11 03:31PM

In your sun-drenched Tuesday media column: Ed Schultz has opinions still, rape and Twitter debated, newspaper paywall detractors, the Mirror Awards vs. Fox News, and Ken Layne leaves the internet behind.

The Implosion of the Huffington Post-AOL Merger

Ryan Tate · 06/07/11 02:28PM

Arianna Huffington was controversial back when she only oversaw 70 or so employees. Now that she's riding herd over 1,300 AOL journalists, the Huffington Post founder faces an army of disgruntled enemies. And they're leaking to the press.

Scott Pelley: An Improvement?

Hamilton Nolan · 06/07/11 02:03PM

Katie Couric is gone for good! The Scott Pelley era at CBS has begun! Try to control your excitement, ha. But hey, Pelley debuted last night, and signs are somewhat promising!

How Much Would You Pay to Watch Glenn Beck?

Hamilton Nolan · 06/07/11 08:16AM

Bawling conspiracy theorist Glenn Beck doesn't need Fox News and its Illuminati sympathizers to help him make a living. He can make money just fine by himself, due to the fact that his entire audience is composed of hapless suckers.