
Roger Ailes Wants You to Throw a Rock Through His Window

John Cook · 06/06/11 02:35PM

Roger Ailes, the totally paranoid chairman of Fox News, called up Newsweek/The Daily Beast's Howard Kurtz over the weekend to fight back against some of the bad press he's seen over the last couple weeks. Kurtz dutifully wrote down the things Ailes said irrespective of their truth value, and then published them online.

Does Jill Abramson Have a Weird Accent?

Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/11 11:56AM

Last week, Jill Abramson became the first female ever to hold the top editor's job at the New York Times. She'll now be responsible for leading America's most important journalistic institution through a perilous and unsure time of media industry upheaval. So we must ask: what up with her accent?

A Perfect Example of How Sarah Palin Soaks Up the Spotlight

Jim Newell · 06/03/11 03:45PM

Mitt Romney, the likely favorite among 2012 Republican presidential candidates, launched his campaign in what for him is the must-win state of New Hampshire yesterday. All the local reporters were invited. So how did the state's biggest newspaper, the Union Leader, present Romney's announcement on today's front page? Look up at the hilarious image up top! What, you can't see it? It's neatly tucked away there in the bottom right corner, next to all the important stuff about non-candidate Sarah Palin saying "hi" to some fishermen and eating clams.

Shep Smith Calls Bill Keller 'Not Nice'

Hamilton Nolan · 06/03/11 03:00PM

In your finally Friday media column: Shep Smith vs. Bill Keller, New York Times overload, Utah is just like New York, Conde Nast's real estate decisions criticized, and Tina Brown poaches another one.

Anthony Weiner Calls the Cops on a Reporter

Adrian Chen · 06/02/11 06:04PM

When Rep. Anthony Weiner said he was done talking about Weinergate (for maybe the third time?), he really meant it: His office called the cops on Marcia Kramer, a reporter for New York's CBS 2, after she asked for an interview about the dick picture.

Bill Keller: Editing the New York Times Was a Drag

Hamilton Nolan · 06/02/11 02:34PM

In your emotional Thursday media column: Bill Keller vents, the NYT newsroom tweets, worldwide journalist peril quantified, Ed Schultz is coming back, and rumors of more Time Out troubles.

Mediaite Takes Weinergate Coverage to the Next Level

Jeff Neumann · 06/02/11 05:31AM

Anthony Weiner's alleged Twitter cock shot deserves plenty of media coverage. A popular and controversial politician maybe sent around pictures of his boner sheathed in gray boxer briefs—that's newsworthy (and funny!) And the story is rightfully being picked apart. With lots of weiner jokes, naturally. But other stuff is happening that might be considered so newsworthy. Not if you ask sensitive sexy man Dan Abrams. Take a look at these two screengrabs from his blog, Mediaite.

More People Reading Smart News, For Some Reason

Hamilton Nolan · 06/01/11 02:06PM

In your prudent Wednesday media column: Garden & Gun is so hot right now, a bad magazine folds, Bill Simmons is grumpy, a big traffic month for The Atlantic and Slate, and Vivian Schiller gets a new job.

Layoffs at Time Out NY?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/31/11 04:40PM

Listings 'n sex stories mag Time Out New York has been having money troubles on and off for several years now. All has been quiet lately, though, until today: a tipster tells us that TONY had very significant layoffs today. "Supposedly it all started with a friendly all staff meeting to let employees know they'd know by the end of the day if they were affected," according to our tipster. We've emailed TONY, and we'll update with their response. In the meantime, if you know more, email us.

UPDATE: Another TONY source tells us the rumors are "100% true," and estimates the layoffs at at least 25% of the total staff, including "EVPs, CFO, CTO," and others.

AP Reporter Slams Management on the Way Out the Door

Hamilton Nolan · 05/31/11 02:02PM

In your angry Tuesday media column: burning bridges at the AP, Jann Wenner hates iPads, Mental Floss gets a new editor, the Hearst-Lagardere deal is closing, cussing in The New Yorker, dissected.

Do Tumblrs Help Magazines?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/26/11 02:06PM

In your shiny Thursday media column: the Tumblr-magazine relationship debated, Erik Wemple goes soft on the WaPo, Dorothy Parvaz's fun prison stories, HuffPo keeps on HuffPo-in', and your daily Katie Couric update.

NYer Story on Obsessive Stalker Sparks Obsessive, Stalker-y Protest

Hamilton Nolan · 05/26/11 08:30AM

Last August, Tad Friend wrote an excellent article in the New Yorker about the spectacularly bizarre life of downtown New York scenester John Lurie, focusing on his weird on-again, off-again friendship with an artist named John Perry, portrayed as a moody and dangerous figure who ended up stalking Lurie and making threats against his life.