In your mild Wednesday media column: HuffPo is coming for your teenagers, AOL's iPad magazine looms, Meredith Vieira is not an insane morning person, media redesigns of the moment, and journalists are good at everything.

  • Now look at this crazy shit: HuffPo is launching a high school-targeted vertical. Yeah, it's called, haha! Kidding, but not really. But really, the interesting part of this item is they're hiring a 17 year kid to run it! He's named Myles Miller, and he is already working as "a metropolitan correspondent for the International Business Times." What. Yes. He lists himself on LinkedIn as a "News veteran with 5+ years of experience." Myles, we could not be more proud of you, and we mean that sincerely. Good luck with your massive step in the wrong direction on the career ladder. (Take it from us!)
  • Finally, AOL is releasing its iPad magazine, "Editions." Because nothing says "the future of media" like "tired new retread of an already-failing idea by a company that makes its money selling dial-up service to old people."
  • In a new interview, Meredith Vieira says that she gave up her gig on the Today Show due to the toll that waking up at 2:30 a.m. was taking on her health and her home life. What a smart lady, on TV!
  • Look, WWD has redesigned its website, propelling it all the way into the 21st century! I'm also informed that Reuters has less boring logos now? Okay! Graphic design!
  • Do journalists really make the best PR professionals? Yes, but that overlooks the fact that journalists also make the best lovers.