
A $20 Million Bid to Buy Perez Hilton

Hamilton Nolan · 05/19/10 11:35AM

Gawker has learned that Avid Life Media, the owner of sites including and Ashley Madison, has partnered with two prominent gossip bloggers to put in a $20 million bid to acquire

The New Anna Wintour: Whoever InStyle's Editor Is

Hamilton Nolan · 05/18/10 12:27PM

In your competitive Tuesday media column: the fashion mag ad race is heated, GQ manages to sell electric doo-dads to people somehow, Michael Wolff's beef parade marches on, and the NYT rocked by "getting a good political story" scandal.

Who Hates Mimi Gurbst?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/10 01:03PM

Last week, Felix Gillette wrote an innocent story about Mimi Gurbst, a senior producer at ABC World News, retiring to become a high school guidance counselor. Soon, the story's comment section became a message board for vicious anti-Gurbst vitriol. Why?

Why Journalism Is Not Dying

Ravi Somaiya · 05/15/10 01:59PM

James Fallows has a truly excellent analysis of why journalism is not dying (just paper and ink) and how Google sees the industry changing. Read it if you're bored with the usual doom and gloom. [Atlantic]

Meet Steppin' Out, America's Trashiest Magazine

Maureen O'Connor · 05/14/10 11:47AM

This week Jersey nightlife magazine Steppin' Out features Michelle Bombshell in a Sicilian widow costume that came from a plastic bag at a Halloween store. This isn't even its best work. A walk down memory lane with America's trashiest publication.

Will Conde Nast Abandon Times Square?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/10 12:50PM

Conde Nast, the only civilized business near Times Square except the Hawaiian Tropic Zone, is considering moving its headquarters down to Ground Zero's 1 World Trade Center. Can you imagine! And Conde's being wooed with some very questionable assurances.

Haim Saban Eyes Newsweek

Hamilton Nolan · 05/13/10 08:54AM

Billionaire entertainment industry power player and Clinton pal Haim Saban is probably still getting over the sting of being unable to completely manipulate The New Yorker's profile of him. Perhaps he will buy Newsweek, as a consolation prize.