
"Welcome to the world of nano-publishing" [Dan Gillmor]

Gawker · 02/12/03 08:11AM

Dan Gillmor, the San Jose Mercury News columnist, thinks nano-publishing could be something new in journalism. Even if journalists such as Matt Drudge and Jim Romenesko have been nano-publishing for years.

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 01/25/03 01:38PM

· When Athina Onassis Roussel turns 18 on Wednesday, she will inherit her family's fortunebetween $2.4 and $14 billion. [Page Six]
· The star of the hit '80s movie Gremlins busted for stealing a CD from Tower Records. The CD? Deep Purple. [Page Six]
· The NYT still hasn't mentioned a word about the Scott Ritter story. [Page Six]
· Mayor Mike on Matt Drudge's report that he was furious that the Rolling Stones were smoking onstage: "I can't for the life of me understand where this Drudge gets this kind of stuff. The annoying thing is that people take it for gospel." [Page Six]
· Tom Ford on "his latest ad campaign, which features a model's pubic hair shaved into Gucci's signature 'G.'": "I think everyone needs a good spanking now and then," Ford said. "There are quite a few people I'd like to spank." [Page Six]

Gossip roundup

Gawker · 01/16/03 09:06AM

· Daniel Boulud adds shaved black truffles to his DB Burger, making it the new most expensive burger in town ($50.) [Page Six]
· Bonnie Fuller has a staffer that looks like Evan "Joe Millionaire" Marriott, and sent him strolling through Times Square to guage whether or not Marriott warranted coverage in Us Weekly. Thinking they had spotted the real thing, one woman fainted and another began to "cry with excitement." Frightening. [Page Six]
· Matt Drudge pats himself on the back for scooping the Monica Lewinsky story five years ago. [Page Six]
· British spy novelist John Le Carre says the U.S. has "gone mad." [Page Six]
· Salon calls Variety editor Peter Bart an "asshole" for his attack on movie critics. [Page Six]
· Women's Wear Daily reports that the Harper's Bazaar cover of Kate Winslet is actually Winslet's head digitally grafted onto fashion director Mary Alice Stephenson's body. [Page Six]

Isaacson leaves CNN

Gawker · 01/13/03 07:11PM

Drudge is reporting that Walter Isaacson is quitting CNN. Isaacson is a Time Warner veteran: managing editor of Time before becoming chairman and CEO of CNN. The spin: he's taking on a new job, leaving CNN in great shape. The truth: CNN has been blown out of the water by Fox News; and Isaacson never really took to television.
Isaacson Is Leaving CNN To Run Think Tank Aspen [WSJ]