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· When Athina Onassis Roussel turns 18 on Wednesday, she will inherit her family's fortunebetween $2.4 and $14 billion. [Page Six]
· The star of the hit '80s movie Gremlins busted for stealing a CD from Tower Records. The CD? Deep Purple. [Page Six]
· The NYT still hasn't mentioned a word about the Scott Ritter story. [Page Six]
· Mayor Mike on Matt Drudge's report that he was furious that the Rolling Stones were smoking onstage: "I can't for the life of me understand where this Drudge gets this kind of stuff. The annoying thing is that people take it for gospel." [Page Six]
· Tom Ford on "his latest ad campaign, which features a model's pubic hair shaved into Gucci's signature 'G.'": "I think everyone needs a good spanking now and then," Ford said. "There are quite a few people I'd like to spank." [Page Six]