
Regis Philbin Forgetting Names, In 28 Handsome Volumes

Seth Abramovitch · 10/07/08 05:05PM

We're going to preface this by saying that we here at Defamer don't just respect our elders, we downright adulate them. (That is, unless they're in the car ahead of us, counting pennies at the Vons 15-items-or-less lane, or generally engaging us in a conversation that involves several extinct movie stars and cookie brands that we've never heard of.) The last thing we'd want is for you to think we were taking some sort of perverse pleasure in witnessing whatever it is Cloris Leachman's body was doing on Dancing with the Stars last night.In a similar vein, we're not providing the above Regis Philbin brainfartstravaganza to mock the lightly addled broadcast legend. God only knows how many bits of showbiz ephemera he's amassed over the years, and are currently floating through his cortex like fabulous amoeba; the very act of reaching up and grabbing the right one at the right moment seems almost a fool's task. We'll tell you one name, however, that Reeg will never blank on: that of his schoolgirlish mancrush object, Jon Hamm. With a side of eggs, if you please. Are we right, Reeg? Special thanks to intern Matthew Rebula for doing such a nice job in putting this together.

Remix of Google's Chrome comic

Paul Boutin · 09/03/08 05:00PM

Those crazy Olds at Condé Nast's Portfolio have stripped down and remixed Scott McCloud's comic-book introduction to Google's Chrome browser. Best part is where they mock the developers-only techspeak that bogged down the original.

Why does Intel think it's a Web 2.0 startup?

Owen Thomas · 04/22/08 07:40PM

In an age when software rules, it's got to be tough to be stuck making hardware. Intel's Mash Maker is yet another "mashup" tool for connecting data from one website with tools on another, such as funneling addresses to Google Maps. Microsoft and Yahoo have similar products. Why is Intel, which makes chips, getting into such a profitless business? The "Intel Inside" advertising campaign convinced people to start asking what chip a PC runs on, but never persuaded them to care. A reporter wangled this explanation from an Intel marketer:

Bart Simpson, Scientologist, Says Keep Springfield Working!

mollyf · 01/31/08 06:24PM

Now that we know the voice of Bart Simpson is a full-on "Clear" scientologist, we had to wonder what Bart would sound like were he played by the Clearest of All Clears: Mr. Tom Cruise! In this video mashup keenly edited together by Intrepid Defamer Videographer™ Molly McAleer, our favorite yellow-haired toon turns from a loveable little menace whose tagline is "Don't have a cow, man" to an eerie little OT in-training who abides by the mantra "Anything LRH does." We can't help but wonder what would've gone down had the little guy had had the powers of Xenu with him during that climactic final scene in The Simpsons Movie. We imagine that Bart, embiggened with the energy of the alien king, could have extracted the entire family from the Springfield bubble himself, saving Homer all those motorcycle-induced scrapes and bruises.

Fox News Fuses Football and Politics on Super Bowl Sunday

Joshua David Stein · 01/17/08 06:48AM

Because deciding who leads America is a little too boring to take straight or because football is a little too repetitive to take uncut, Fox News has decided to meld its football and political coverage into one large undifferentiated goulash. On February 3rd, FOX anchor (top/vers, we think) Shepard Smith, who looks more and more like a young Frank Sinatra, will kick-off a three-hour broadcast from Arizona all about the Superbowl and how super it is whilst FOX News anchor Bill Hemmer chimes in from New York about Super Tuesday which is February 5th. Roger Ailes is clearly onto something here. We can't wait for their coverage of the Russian presidential elections melded with the Canadian men's curling championship in early March! [NYO]

Is "'New Yorker' Humor" Purely Random?

Joshua Stein · 08/22/07 05:20PM

It was in the marbled thinking chamber that we were reading both Playboy and the New Yorker at once. A theory resulted: That the rate of humor found in New Yorker cartoons is the exact same as naturally occurring humor in the world. That is to say, in the case of any decent drawing set-up, one could pair a drawing with any caption and reasonably expect to laugh the same amount. We decided to test our theory of stochastic humor by mashing-up Playboy cartoons with New Yorker captions and vice versa.

Handy NYT Article Crusher

Chris Mohney · 07/10/06 11:00AM

Bumperactive has created an innovative way to digest the nucleus of an entire New York Times news day in mere moments. Their Final Word NYT mashup eats the daily newsfeed, then excretes the headlines and last paragraph of top stories. No need to spend time on the tiresome ledes or middle sections — get right to the summation, be it thought-provoking sendoff quote or cymbal-crashing finale.