
Mean Disney Girls is Astonishingly Good

Mike Byhoff · 03/04/10 04:56PM

This is quite the editing feat. Video from various Disney movies is sync'd up (almost) perfectly to match the audio from the Mean Girls trailer. The idea is brilliant, and the execution is even better.

Hurley in the U.S.A.

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 03/04/10 01:23PM

This video pairs Miley Cyrus' ubiquitous anthem, Party in the USA with the Hurley's highlights on Lost. Things like this are part of the reason the internet exists in the first place. Now, how long til the Ke$ha/un-Locke mash-up?

The Bad Man in the Mirror

Alison Flood · 02/09/10 11:14AM

Scary scenes always happen in the bathroom, so it's fitting that the murderous male characters constantly show up in the reflection of the medicine cabinet. Rich from FourFour put this supercut of scary mirror moments together for all to enjoy.

The Most Ridiculous Names to Appear on The Simpsons

Mike Byhoff · 01/11/10 01:12PM

The Simpsons just celebrated its 20th Anniversary, and names like Homer and Bart have become ingrained upon our cultural identity. However, they've invented many other names, not as immediately recognizable. Here's a massive compilation of the best and funniest.

Super Mario Meets Sigur Rós

Anderson Evans · 01/01/10 01:00PM

Hopelandish band, Sigur Ros, are always piquing their listeners emotions as they sing ethereal music in a language nobody understands. When you see these Mario clips alongside their music you'll never play Nintendo the same way, i.e. without your itunes.

The Oldest TV Police Trick in the Book: Enhance!

Mike Byhoff · 12/18/09 09:40AM

Imagine if enhancing images wasn't possible on television shows. Would police officers solve anything? Probably not. Here's the best-of image enhancing on television. And in case you were wondering, CSI Miami is obviously in there.

Gran Torino Mashed-Up With Up

Mike Byhoff · 12/16/09 10:17AM

The mashup exists for one reason: so the viewer can watch and say, "Hey, that's nifty!" Taking Gran Torino trailer audio and implanting it (very well) intoscenes from Up certainly gets the nifty nod of approval.

First Church of Drum & Bass

Daniel Barnum-Swett · 12/07/09 04:30PM

Thumping beats and spiritual exultation: two great tastes that go great together. In this mash-up, excitedly dancing worshipers make a joyful noise unto the lord of the rave.

Tony Blair Sings The Clash's Should I Stay or Should I Go

Whitney Jefferson · 11/30/09 10:30AM

Watch the former British Prime Minister rock out in a mash-up for all the Clash Fans out there. We feel as though this kind of thing wouldn't work quite as well with American politicians.