
Argentinean Basketball Team Combats Killer Plants in Mesmerizing Ad

Matt Cherette · 06/01/10 02:26PM

In this awesome commercial for Li Ning—aka the low-budget version of Nike—Argentina's 2004 Olympic Gold Medal winning basketball team maneuvers the court as a cascade of killer plants (Triffids?) tries to stop the men from scoring. Video inside.

Americans Happily Exchange Privacy for Trinkets

Hamilton Nolan · 06/01/10 09:23AM

Hey there—you, the consumer. How would you like $1 off a Frappuccino, or a free Croissanwich, or just a meaningless virtual corporate-assigned "title?" You'd like it a lot. All we need is every bit of your personal information, free.

Adolf Hitler Shills for Sicilian Clothing Line

Jeff Neumann · 05/21/10 04:19AM

A Sicilian advertising agency rolled out 18-foot posters of Hitler in pink uniform across the capital city, Palermo, to promote a teen clothing line with the slogan: "Change Style—Don't Follow Your Leader." Some people are quite angry. [Telegraph]

Are You Ready For 2000% More Starbucks?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/10 09:53AM

You there, citizen: is that coffee in your hand a Starbucks™ brand coffee? There is a 95% likelihood that it is not. That is unacceptable. Fear not; Starbucks™ brand coffee will soon be even more ubiquitous. More Starbucks. More!

Porn Now Requires Ads, Apparently

Hamilton Nolan · 05/10/10 04:55PM

Amour, a Canadian porno television network, is running a slew of promo ads showing, haha, dumb porno girls being dumb. 1. Since when does porn need ads? 2. Sexist much? 3. What's wrong with you, Canada? You've changed. [via Adfreak]

Stereotypes Wear Magnums. Shouldn't You?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/28/10 09:30AM

Magnum condoms, for those of you who don't know (not me), are big condoms that are great for when your penis is extra large. Who better to promote Magnum condoms than rappers, who have extra-large penises, as everyone knows?

Government Program Teaches Kids to Gaze at Ads Better

Hamilton Nolan · 04/27/10 08:40AM

What the hell...the U.S. government—which depends on consumer tax revenue—has started a new program to "educate" kids on how advertising works. Outlandish! Oh, wait—by "educate," they mean "indoctrinate, as enthusiastic consumers." Please continue!

U.S. Army Ad Campaign Turns Tide in Afghanistan

Hamilton Nolan · 04/12/10 10:40AM

America has given so much to the people of Afghanistan.Our latest gift: modern military propaganda. The military's new Afghan ad campaign is in favor of soldiers, but against suicide bombers. Click through for one more democracy-engendering ad, via Ad Age.