
Axe Wants to Help You Mate

Hamilton Nolan · 08/18/10 10:41AM

The good people at the Unilever corporation are using their scientific expertise to assist you, the 18-24 year-old male, with mating. Do you have a desire to mate? An Axe™ product may be useful in your mating quest.

All Sorts of Fun Stuff Going On In Nation's Cemeteries

Adrian Chen · 08/11/10 06:55PM

Cemeteries used to be a popular place for lovers to stroll and tourists to take in the rolling hills. Now, they're mostly a storage place for Grandma. But some forward-thinking cemeteries are hosting fun events for living people.

Vice: Hip Pimps

Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/10 10:30AM

Vice long ago morphed from a magazine about dirty hipster shit into a Corporation, which sells Cool. The fact that Vice is often referred to as "hip" is a dead giveaway of its clients lackluster levels of coolness.

Nurdle Dispute Threatens Fragile Nurdle Peace

Hamilton Nolan · 07/30/10 09:40AM

America is a nation in need of healing. But no healing shall be had. Because two of our most important toothpaste manufacturers are locked in legal battle to the death over the future of nurdles. Nurdles on packages. Toothpaste packages.

Those Twelve Billion Old Spice Ads Really Worked

Hamilton Nolan · 07/27/10 04:01PM

Though we would all like to think that saturation-style ad campaigns which blanket the media to the point that they begin to annoy even casual viewers would not lead to business success, alas, sometimes they do. Old Spice man. Yes.