
The TV Shows You Like Reveal Everything About You

Hamilton Nolan · 11/01/10 02:58PM

Do you watch various television shows? Then you'll be happy to know that thanks to "psychographics," marketing firms can determine your entire personality just by looking at your Tivo settings. For example: like Mad Men? You're a pinko Apple fanboy.

Study: Democrats and Republicans Love Lots of the Same Brands

Hamilton Nolan · 10/25/10 10:42AM

We all know that Democrats love Starbucks and Hustler, while Republicans love Skoal and Soldier of Fortune. Or do they? A new study of the favorite brands of liberals and conservatives show some surprising agreements.

How to Sell Stuff to Anyone: Stereotypically

Hamilton Nolan · 10/11/10 01:10PM

If you want to hear straight talk about race, ethnicity, and cultural stereotypes in America, look to the advertising community. They know what sells. To black people! To Latinos! To gays! If stereotypes are true, ads will prove it.

Coming Soon: Beverly Hills — The Perfume

Jeff Neumann · 10/11/10 05:54AM

Have you ever wanted to smell like a city? Now's your chance: The City of Beverly Hills next year will debut its own line of perfume, emblazoned with the city's logo because it is a "center of fashion, sophistication, energy."

Branding's Greatest Misses: The New Gap Logo

Hamilton Nolan · 10/07/10 11:06AM

People really are very upset about the new logo of famous clothing store GAP! Whereas the former white-on-blue logo was iconic, the new black-letters-next-to-a-little-blue-box design has Gap fans and branding experts alike befuddled and discombobulated.