
Why the TED list is troubling

Owen Thomas · 02/29/08 01:00PM

Chris Anderson, the organizer of the TED conference, has complained, not to me, not to my boss, but to my boss's boss about our publishing the complete list of his 1,198 attendees. Anderson — not to be confused with the Chris Anderson who edits Wired — finds it "troubling." What we find troubling is the list itself. Fine, it's daubed with Hollywood starlets; they're part of the draw. But why is Zack Bogue, an undistinguished real-estate fund manager, there? Presumably because of his connection with Google's Marissa Mayer. But come on. According to San Francisco's infamous "Googirl" profile, the two aren't even officially dating. That's right: You can get into TED as someone's plus-one.

Googate: It's all our fault

Paul Boutin · 02/29/08 12:31AM

Google's cupcake princess, Marissa Mayer, it must be said, runs the part of the company that actually matters: the search engine. She recently made a huge adjustment to search results to favor recent content. So I'm sure it took her about 150 milliseconds to realize, from wherever she happened to be sitting or standing at TED this afternoon, that creeps Googling for "googirl" would for a very long time find San Francisco magazine's profile of her in the top slot, thanks to a link from us that outranks the Urban Dictionary. Which is why it's gone now. You know, the worst part of this job isn't the cheap shots from sad-assed journalists who wish they could post this stuff. It's knowing that we'll never, ever, ever get invited to the Four Seasons for cupcakes now. (Photo from Mel's Kitchen)

"Googirl" article vanishes from Web

Owen Thomas · 02/28/08 10:55PM

115,000 copies of San Francisco magazine, on newsstands throughout the city, name Marissa Mayer as Google's "Googirl."

Marissa Mayer not really that kinky

Melissa Gira Grant · 02/28/08 04:20PM

I tried not to go there, really I did: San Francisco magazine's profile of Google cupcake princess Marissa Mayer is titled "Googirl". I'm guessing they didn't actually Google "googirl" before publishing. But if Marissa really is Google's googirl? You go, girl.

Screenshots of Google Health

Paul Boutin · 02/28/08 11:51AM

Cupcake princess Marissa Mayer helpfully posted a couple of screens from Google's forthcoming app that "aims to solve an urgent need that dovetails with our overall mission of organizing patient information and making it accessible and useful. Through our health offering, our users will be empowered to collect, store, and manage their own medical records online." That probably scares some people over privacy concerns. Folks, you have no idea how much your paper medical records are already making the rounds via fax and carrier. At least Google Health will have an audit trail.

Marissa Mayer gets the cupcake treatment

Owen Thomas · 02/27/08 06:20PM

The only shocker in Julian Guthrie's profile of Marissa Mayer for San Francisco magazine: That the "gorgeously geeky Googler" is well-respected within the Googleplex. Perhaps among the executives Google PR trotted out for the ritual encomiums, but not among the rank and file. One engineering group so loathed Mayer that they threw a party when they were assigned a new boss. A ray of hope for anyone still suffering under Mayer's lash: In this piece, she announces that she may leave the company in two years. If, on the other hand, you can't get enough of Mayer, here's some obsessive biographical detail exerpted from "Googirl," as well as the article's opening shot:

Google Health trials finally launching

Jordan Golson · 02/21/08 02:20PM

If you were worried about your privacy when Google read your Gmail to show relevant ads, you're really going to hate Google Health. The pilot program for Google Health will store the health records of 1,500 to 10,000 patients at the Cleveland Clinic, a not-for-profit medical center. Each profile will include information about prescriptions, allergies and medical histories and will be accessed with a Google Account — the same login used for all of Google's services, including Gmail. There's no word on when the project will open to a wider audience, but Marissa Mayer — who replaced previous Google Health head Adam Bosworth — says the project will launch in 2008.

The women of Google, minus the catfight

Owen Thomas · 02/08/08 03:20PM

The latest issue of Marie Claire profiles Google's top female executives. You've got to pick up a copy, if just for the fashion credits. From left to right: Shona Brown, Sukhinder Singh Cassidy, Megan Smith, Francoise Brougher, Susan Wojcicki, and Marissa Mayer. With the exception of Mayer's getup, never has a greater work of fiction appeared in this old gal rag. I've known Megan Smith for years, and cannot recall ever seeing her wearing something that was not (a) made of denim and (b) priced at less than $100. But more interesting than what they're wearing is who's not in the picture: Top executive Sheryl Sandberg, Google's plugged-in D.C. connection. We'd heard Sandberg can't stand Shona Brown, but would she really have refused to get a photo taken with her? (Photo by Neal Kirk)

Marissa Mayer brings new accessory to the ballet

Jordan Golson · 01/28/08 08:00PM

Google exec Marissa Mayer looked stunning at the ballet with her date, Montara Capital Partners cofounder Zack Bogue. All dolled up in a Naeem Khan dress — Khan has also designed for Beyonce and Alicia Keys — with jewelry by Graff, Marissa definitely turned it out. Valleywag party posse entrepreneur and style consultant Patricia Handschiegel had this to say about Marissa's look:

Meet Marissa Mayer's new boyfriend

Jordan Golson · 01/24/08 03:00PM

Tipsters have informed us that Google exec Marissa Mayer's male companion is Zack Bogue, a cofounder of private-equity firm Montara Capital Partners. In addition to being quite handsome, Zack has the pedigree to match. He studied environmental science and public policy at Harvard and then got his law degree from Georgetown. Nice catch! Mayer and Bogue were spotted together at a restaurant recently, a source says: "There was quite a bit of handholding, and Marissa picked up the check. They're a modern couple." They even went to a ballet benefit together. Catch Zack's stunning Facebook profile picture after the jump. Trust us, it's worth it.

Does your VC have a Democrat in his pocket?

Nicholas Carlson · 01/23/08 05:20PM

Senator Clinton polls higher than Senator Obama in Santa Clara County, 43 percent to 27 percent, a Clinton campaign staffer told the Wall Street Journal. But we know what really counts in Silicon Valley: money. And when it comes to raising cash, Barack Obama's winning over the tech crowd. He raised about $500,000 just last weekend at a breakfast in Atherton. Wondering who was there? Here's a list of known Silicon Valley supporters for each candidate.

Careful, "The Internet Party" could make you LOLerskate

Nicholas Carlson · 01/17/08 03:00PM

OK, so is no longer Ask Jeeves, and you've never heard of And really, the Internet isn't that much like a bad college house party at all. But still, parts of the humorous short "The Internet Party," from which we briefly excerpt above, ring true. Like the perky, plucky "Google," who's played by a much less pretty but equally nerdy version of Marissa Mayer.

5 people who deserve a Christmas bonus

Paul Boutin · 12/24/07 09:15AM

You know that old story about how the English and German soldiers sang carols to each other from the trenches on Christmas Eve? Then the next day they went back to killing each other? The Valleywag staff dipped into the eggnog and got all feel-nicey about five people we've picked on all year. Each of them, we decided weepily, taught us something about humanity. And that was before the drinking started. Quick, read it before we wake up with a hell-hangover and delete the whole thing.