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Tipsters have informed us that Google exec Marissa Mayer's male companion is Zack Bogue, a cofounder of private-equity firm Montara Capital Partners. In addition to being quite handsome, Zack has the pedigree to match. He studied environmental science and public policy at Harvard and then got his law degree from Georgetown. Nice catch! Mayer and Bogue were spotted together at a restaurant recently, a source says: "There was quite a bit of handholding, and Marissa picked up the check. They're a modern couple." They even went to a ballet benefit together. Catch Zack's stunning Facebook profile picture after the jump. Trust us, it's worth it.

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I'll save you the trouble of Googling him. Here's Zack on Facebook (he and Mayer are friends, though her profile still says she's "single") and LinkedIn. (Photo (with helpful, identifying, caption!) of Marissa and Zack by Drew Altizer visa SFluxe)