Googate: It's all our fault

Google's cupcake princess, Marissa Mayer, it must be said, runs the part of the company that actually matters: the search engine. She recently made a huge adjustment to search results to favor recent content. So I'm sure it took her about 150 milliseconds to realize, from wherever she happened to be sitting or standing at TED this afternoon, that creeps Googling for "googirl" would for a very long time find San Francisco magazine's profile of her in the top slot, thanks to a link from us that outranks the Urban Dictionary. Which is why it's gone now. You know, the worst part of this job isn't the cheap shots from sad-assed journalists who wish they could post this stuff. It's knowing that we'll never, ever, ever get invited to the Four Seasons for cupcakes now. (Photo from Mel's Kitchen)