
Sketchy Bar Claims Tape Shows "90% Chance" Employee Didn't Rape Customer

Jay Hathaway · 08/05/15 03:38PM

A 25-year-old woman says she was drugged and raped at Lower East Side bar Happy Ending last Tuesday night by an employee who has since been fired. After spending 10 hours dealing with NYPD officers who, she says, kept suggesting she had “led him to believe it was okay,” she suffered additional indignity at the hands of Happy Ending itself: a spokesperson for the bar claimed CCTV showed “a 90 percent chance it was consensual behavior.”

Lady Gaga's Old Manhattan Apartment Is Up For Grabs

Leah Beckmann · 11/18/11 04:25PM

Way back before there was Lady Gaga, there was Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta and she lived in this apartment on Manhattan's Lower East Side. The entire premise of If These Walls Could Talk should be re-written so that it is about this place.

A Study of Anal Sex in the City

Jeff Neumann · 04/22/10 05:30AM

The NYC Department of Health released a report yesterday, "Women, Unprotected Anal Sex and HIV Risk," that says women use condoms far less than men when doing butt-related naughty things. They polled women between the ages of 18 and 64.

Crack, Ugh.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/21/09 09:47AM

Spencer Morgan's newest Profile of an Odd Man is good enough to make you throw up, because you can almost hear the crack bubbling in a fucked up corner of a too-cool subculture. Ugh. Crack.

Some Jobs Have All the Perks

cityfile · 03/26/09 01:34PM

The Hotel on Rivington may not be the coolest hotel downtown, but you have to give them points for trying to keep up with the whole name-brand hotel clothing trend. THOR's management is giving every employee a pair of DC LIFE "dress sneakers," so their footwear matches "the scarlet carpeting of the hotel's dramatic entrance." Also: Not a bad way to keep up employee morale when you can't afford to give anyone a raise. [HC]

Pomeranc Talks Up the LES

cityfile · 10/15/08 10:10AM

Now that he has the Thompson LES to promote, hotelier Jason Pomeranc has all sorts of great things to say about the Lower East Side. In fact, "the Lower East Side is my favorite neighborhood in New York," he tells Fashion Week Daily. No word on whether that means he'd actually live there himself—his loft happens to be located in SoHo—although if he does decide to move and elects to stay at the Thompson LES while in transition, we'd recommend that he not use the hotel's WiFi. [Fashion Week Daily]

Introducing the Hotel Ludlow

cityfile · 09/04/08 09:22AM

That tall building rising on Ludlow Street? That would be the Hotel Ludlow, which will be opening in early 2009 with 170 rooms, a restaurant, spa, and "exclusive rooftop lounge." Let the LES hotel wars begin! [Curbed]

The Lower East Side: Not What It Used To Be

Hamilton Nolan · 05/20/08 10:40AM

The Lower East Side is changing! You blink once, and the neighborhood has gone from an immigrant-packed hovel of tenements to a rich jerk-packed hovel. Of condos! The National Trust for Historic Preservation has just named the entire freaking neighborhood one the nation's 11 most endangered places:

Dov Charney Pacing Madly As Usual

Hamilton Nolan · 05/12/08 01:48PM

NYC blogger-about-town Cajun Boy was minding his business on a bench outside of an American Apparel store on the Lower East Side last weekend, when "a man with thick eyeglasses wearing a blue Member's Only jacket, carrying a denim murse, and generally carrying on like a crazy person" started pacing back and forth on the sidewalk, shouting into a headset. The man's erratic behavior had Cajun Boy convinced he was a maniac about to shoot up the store. Until he got a good look and discovered—spoiler alert—that it was just energetic American Apparel CEO Dov Charney, no doubt engaged in important corporate business! A scary, businesslike man. Not spotted: Dov's poor chihuahua. [Cajun Boy In The City]