Forget about your bitch, and bring a zine to zine night. Bitch! Bring a friend and a friend of a friend, bitch, come on down to aNYthing, bring your zines, to zine night. Zines. Uh...they're back?

If you are really familiar with what the fuck is up then you know that Aaron "A-Ron" Bondaroff is a downtown LES cool guy for hire, founder of the aNYthing brand, and generally, you know, the man with the brand that is downtown, and all that, once upon a time.

Anyhow: His store's having zine night tomorrow! Bring your zines and the store will sell them on commission! And there's a sort of, uh, hip hop promo video, that you can watch. An endearingly DIY anti-corporate grassroots arts and media movement? Or just more pretentious crapola? We have no idea what to think.

Do bring your zines though!