
Dogs Found to Be Even Sweeter, Release Same "Love Hormone" as Humans

Kelly Conaboy · 04/26/14 10:00AM

A new study claims that dogs release the same "love hormone" (oxytocin) that humans do when they're excited about a new relationship. How sweet! Even more reason for your friend to get one! (You would, but sadly your apartment doesn't allow it.)

This Valentine's Day, Show Your Love By Ignoring Valentine's Day

Ken Layne · 02/14/14 12:05PM

With dull eyes and open mouths, they crowd the streets and fill the restaurants. Some are teenagers, some are straight, some are gay, and far too many are married adults who would usually be found at home watching the television at night. They are the zombies of St. Valentine's Day, and they're just as miserable as they look.

Single Americans: Cheap Prudes

Hamilton Nolan · 02/05/14 09:58AM

Are you single? Searching for love? Do not look in America, whatever you do, unless you like watching Netflix while eating fast food and not getting laid.

Is It a Date? Or Just Hanging Out? How to Tell.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/21/14 11:44AM

Texting, women's lib, a culture of "hook-ups"... it can be hard to navigate the dating world these days. A new survey of singles shows that almost 70% "are at least somewhat confused about whether an outing with someone they're interested in is a date or not." I think we can help provide clarity.

Studies Confirm: Kids Ruin Your Life

Hamilton Nolan · 01/15/14 09:50AM

The greatest virtue of science is that it uses irrefutable facts, data, and evidence to force us to accept the harsh truths that we, flawed humanity, may wish to ignore. Like the fact that children are—scientifically speaking—small bundles of misery.

Teen Transgender Couple Discusses Intimacy

Rich Juzwiak · 10/10/13 01:42PM

You may have read about Katie (19) and Arin (17) last year, when the fascinating story of their romance went viral. They are both transgender (Katie's male-to-female, Arin's female-to-male) and they met in a transgender equality group meeting. Though their backstory, both separately and together is unique, their present relationship appears to be conventional (they are, after all, a man and a woman in love).

Oh God Chinese Couples What Are You Doing

Hamilton Nolan · 10/10/13 09:04AM

In this wide world of ours, cultural practices are as diverse as colors in the rainbow. Only the ignorant imperialists believe that they are equipped to judge unfamiliar foreign cultures. Still, we feel comfortable in saying: Chinese couples, do not wear matching outfits. There is no happy ending to this story.