
When It’s Difficult to Endure

L. Yvette Baker · 11/18/14 10:15AM

I struggle with accepting the fact that I am a strange girl. I'm not the kind of strange girl that relishes her weirdness and feels that it adds cachet—most of the time I feel misunderstood, disliked, or acutely alone. My conversations tend to alienate those around me; what I perceive as candor and connection reads like unmitigated gall and oversharing. I've been told that I just have to find people who "get me," and that has proven difficult.

The Human Sexual Experience Is a Rich Tableau

Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/14 01:15PM

Former Gawker colleague Maureen O'Connor informs us today that some men enjoy having oral sex with women who are menstruating. You say potato, I say po-tah-toe, but at the end of the day we can all agree that there's only one truly essential ingredient in lovemaking: love itself. [New York. Photo: FB]

Hamilton Nolan · 09/05/14 11:33AM

"The ruptured ovarian cyst was the siren that alerted us to all the denial of our relationship problems. What I learned is how important it is to pay attention to the signals our body sends us." Pure poetry.

Man Fakes His Own Death to Avoid Marrying Girlfriend

Aleksander Chan · 08/19/14 02:06PM

Alex Lanchester met Tucker Blandford studying abroad at the University of Connecticut in 2012. She cleaned the campus theater, he was a set painter. They fell in love. After dating for a year, the two decided to get married in Lanchester's native Britain. But their big day was called off months before after the bride-to-be learned her betrothed attempted to fake his own death to avoid marrying her.

Your Wanton Harlotry Shall Doom You to Wedded Misery

Hamilton Nolan · 08/19/14 10:52AM

A common refrain among today's fallen youth: "I have turned my back on His grace and fallen into temptation by cleaving the flesh of so many hotties. Shall I ever be wed?" Take heart, young heathens—despite your history of harlotry, you too can find an unhappy marriage.

Bill Murray Crashed This Couple's Engagement Photos

Aleksander Chan · 06/11/14 09:29PM

Bill Murray, renowned Ghostbuster and funny guy who just kind of shows up and says shit to the delight of everyone around him, decided he'd be cool with being in Erik Rogers and Ashley Donald's engagement photos. They're quite the trio.

Busy Douchebag Tries to Text 32 Tinder Matches at Once

Aleksander Chan · 06/11/14 06:31PM

Tinder, the dating app that has shrewdly transposed "hot or not" into a gratifying thumb swipe experience, has also apparently inspired a "Joshua" to text 32 of his matches at once. Apparently, Joshua does not have time to be courting these women one at a time or text them individually.

31-Year-Old Man Says He's Wired to Have Sex With Great-Grandmothers

Aleksander Chan · 06/06/14 01:12PM

Kyle Jones, 31, is not ashamed of the qualities he finds attractive in a mate. In fact, he believes he was "wired" that way: "Everyone's brain is wired differently, some guys prefer blondes, some brunettes, some like other guys—I like old ladies."

Hamilton Nolan · 05/27/14 05:14PM

"I think one experiment with [casual] sex is fine. Just like trying cocaine once is fine. More than that is hedonistic and gross in my opinion." The upscale readers of discuss the perfect number of sex partners before marriage.