We've had some hard times in the past five years. But thanks to The Fed and Almighty God, the economy is booming again. Now you can finally get divorced.

A happy (???) side effect of a poor economy is that fewer couples tend to get divorced. "Better to stay put in misery with this asshole who can help pay the bills," is the prevailing sentiment. Now, new research shows that as the stock market rises and the unemployment rate falls, many unhappily married couples are—at long last—feeling secure enough to kick that no good (motherfucker/ bitch) to the curb. The LA Times reports:

From 2009 to 2011, about 150,000 fewer divorces occurred than would otherwise have been expected, University of Maryland sociologist Philip N. Cohen estimated. Across the country, the divorce rate among married women dropped from 2.09% to 1.95% from 2008 to 2009, then crept back up to 1.98% in both 2010 and 2011.

Congratulations on your new job and Match.com profile.

[Photo: Shutterstock]