
10 Ways 'Meet The Spartans' Can Achieve 'Epic Movie' Greatness

Mark Graham · 01/25/08 06:34PM

After hearing the news last February that Britney Spears had shaved her head, most of us reacted with shock, quipped to a friend ("that bitch crazy!"), clicked on a picture or two and went on about our lives. Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, on the other hand, immediately began thinking about ways they could squeeze the moment into their annual low-brow pop culture mash-up to-be. Judging by the trailer for the duo's Meet the Spartans, inspiration never truly came, but that didn't stop 'em from using the moment anyway. In the trailer, a Spears lookalike shears her locks and begins cooing in her breathy baby voice, only to be — wait for it! — kicked into the pit from 300 by a Gerard Butler clone. Hilarious, right?

AFI Finally Learns That Top 10 Lists Perform Better Than Top 100 Lists

Mark Graham · 01/17/08 06:52PM

The venerable and undeniably relevant American Film Institute has brought us hours upon hours of pleasurable television viewing in the past with their not-at-all boring "100 Years" series. We just KNOW that each and every one of you found your pants simultaneously bursting at the seams when our great nation finally found out which sidesplitting film reigned burrito supreme in their "100 Years ... 100 Laughs" poll, and of course we're all well aware of the important role that our No Child Left Behind funding has played in encouraging schoolchildren to memorize the AFI's "100 Years ... 100 Passions" list. Though we will certainly gather our grandchildren 'round the fire one day and regale them with the many thousands of memorable moments that these television specials provided for us, we understand that the AFI must too progress, lest it suffer the fate of irrelevance in these ADD times of ours. Hence, it's bye-bye Top 100 and hello Top 10.

Seven Places That Britney Spears Would Never Be Spotted By The Paparazzi

Mark Graham · 01/11/08 06:33PM

Is she in New York City? Is she in Mexico? Is she at a Shell station in Hermosa Beach buying cigs? These are the kinds of riveting questions that had a nation (and the Defamer staff) glued to the AM radio yesterday, furiously dialing between stations in search of an update on The Animal's whereabouts. While we eventually found out the answers (no, yes and yes), we thought about a few places that the paparazzi would never even THINK to look for Brit Brit.

Seven Terrible Female Performances That Will Make You Forget All About Lindsay Lohan's Dead Stripper

Mark Graham · 01/03/08 08:40PM

When news broke yesterday that the moviegoers of this great nation of ours had voted Lindsay Lohan's dead-stripper turn in "I Know Who Killed (My Career)" as the single worst performance of Anno Domini 2007, our reaction was laced with both sadness and shock. Sadness because we all long for days when the frecklecrotched wonder's biggest problem was her slightly jiggly thighs, shock because we could think of no fewer than six and no greater than seven performances that were CLEARLY worse than Lindsay's. What follows, dear friends, is that list (in descending order, no less)!

My Top 8 Greatest Achievements At Gawker

Emily Gould · 12/31/07 01:10PM

Readers love lists, according to the Gawker Media Editorial Guide. So, on the occasion of my last day here, you're bound to love this list of the best things I ever did at this website! Yoga teaches us that within our greatest failings, our greatest strengths can be found. Breathe deeply and enjoy.

Choire · 12/28/07 05:00PM

Slate film critic Dana Stevens is temporarily off my shit list for correctly noting that "The Host" was one of the best 10 movies of 2007—I'd forgotten that! And it so was! Bonus: Remember how great Anthony Lane's review was? (And also Dana is A-OK for giving an honorable mention to the DVD release of "Idiocracy." Temporarily!) [Slate]

Emily Gould · 12/28/07 09:50AM

Times critics Michiko Kakutani, Janet Maslin and William Grimes announce their favorite books of 2007 today—"the ones we mention to friends ... the ones worth taking on vacation." These are meant to be lists "that leave off the broccoli." But most of the books on the lists are nonfiction tomes about Nixon, Nazis, Stalin, the CIA and Einstein. It turns out we get a lot of our book advice from people who eat broccoli for dessert. [NYT]

The Web's top 10 top 10 lists

Nicholas Carlson · 12/27/07 07:00PM

Why all the lists heading into 2008? Well, laziness. That, and the urge to reflect on the year gone by. No, mostly laziness. And in that spirit, we present you Valleywag's top 10 list of top 10 lists. Oh yeah — our lazy, it's meta.

5 To Destroy: Landmarks We Hate

Pareene · 12/26/07 03:10PM

Last week, amNew York published its second annual "Endangered New York" list, showcasing ten non-protected New York landmarks in danger of being developed into oblivion in the coming year. It's a worthy cause, and, as we hate everything different and new, one we're largely in favor of. Except: some of their landmarks suck!

Pareene · 12/26/07 02:50PM

There's such a glaring omission on nearly all the "best of 2007" movies lists. Why will no one understand that Nicolas Cage's "Ghost Rider" was one of the bestest, awesomest, coolest, hilariousest, entertainingest movies of the year? Because it so was. (If it weren't for that darned holiday release date of "National Treasure: Book of Secrets," it might have been the best.)

The 10 Best U.S. Mag Fashion Editorials Of 2007

Choire · 12/26/07 02:21PM

Since time immemorial, we have received missives from a person called The Earl Grey, the greatest social documentarian of our time. This one is the whoppingest, most stellar one yet—an awards show unto itself of the year in fashion spreads. Warning: Along the way, space and time collapse and capital letters disappear!

Choire · 12/26/07 11:42AM

There's such a glaring omission on nearly all the "best of 2007" movies lists. Why will no one understand that Quentin Tarantino's "Death Proof" was one of the bestest, smartest, coolest, entertainingest movies of the year? Because it so was. (If it weren't for that darned "No Country For Old Men," it might have been the best.)

Our Favorite Ten Videos Of 2007

Choire · 12/21/07 12:20PM

What a year it's been here for video! Men flashing newscasters, babies getting kicked, couches getting humped, Forbes editors weeping and swearing, Fox News explaining donkey-punching—life is grand! Our Richard Blakeley has reviewed the year here at Gawker on video, and assembled both this marvelous cut-to-the-chase montage and ranked the ten best.

Choire · 12/20/07 03:25PM

The 30 best blogs you are quite possibly not reading! [Fimoculous]

Choire · 12/18/07 01:40PM is pleased to announce their most transparent and value-free bit of traffic-grabbing web content to date—a list of America's Most Lustful Cities! It's like—what is it even like? It's like intellectual impoverishment in charticle form. I'm almost proud of them! [Forbes]

Some Of Our Favorite Things Of 2007

Emily Gould · 12/13/07 05:00PM

Outside, it's been 4 p.m. for the past week and a half, and now the chilly gray perpetual dusk has even started leaking sleety rain. Inside, there is nothing to write about. It's now the season when the Internet traditionally dries up and blows away, and besides, most of us just quit our jobs and are now serving out a one month's notice that we cannot believe ever seemed like a good idea. "Now you'll be able to just relax and have fun with it!" somebody said early on. True, yes, except that how is it possible to have fun when everything you do reminds you of A) why you quit and B) why you are unqualified to do anything else? ANYWAY! This is all to say that it's been tough to come up with a year-end happy-time great list, but here goes!

Zac Efron Tops Something During The Listiest Time Of The Year

seth · 12/05/07 03:50PM

During this end-of-year, list-making bonanza time, the one chart-topper whose name we desperately wanted to see (Zac Efron), we feared we would not. We figured the Crown Prince of Tweensmanship would tumble through the Hollywood censusing cracks, qualifying him for neither Sexiest Man nor Highest Paid Actress Alive honors. Luckily, the people behind essential desk reference The Celebrity Black Book—the Gray's Anatomy for the science of celebrity stalking—have compiled a "Most Wanted" Celebrity of 2007 list ("for autographs, donations, endorsements and media requests from fans, businesses, nonprofits and the media,"), giving Efron the edge over even the likes of such hotly wanted personalities as Oprah Winfrey and Angelina Jolie:

Choire · 11/29/07 05:33PM

The annual year-end List of Lists is growing and growing! Just added: Best Foreign Policy Books, Top 10 Cryptozoology Stories, Top 10 Musical Performances on Late Night TV! [Fimoculous]

Emily Gould · 11/23/07 12:30PM

Like Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson announcing their divorce, the Times has tried to sneak very important news past us while we're all dazed and Thanksgiven and unable to process things! That's right: the 100 Notable Books of 2007 list is out. Actually maybe it is meant to help you with your holiday shopping, which you must begin today because God said so in the Bible. Anyway, the list includes all of the usual suspects, and also Vendela Vida. [NYT]