
First Comes the Marriage, Then Come the Gifts

cityfile · 06/11/08 06:15AM
  • Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon may have skipped the big wedding, but that doesn't mean they want to skip all the big presents. The duo has apparently registered at Bergdorf's, where they're encouraging friends to buy them fine china and expensive stemwear. [Page Six]

Kate Moss' Scary Side

Ryan Tate · 02/19/08 08:19AM
  • London tabloid Daily Mail snickered at Kate Moss' bony knees during Moss' night on the town with her rocker boyfriend, but what about the frightening shot of her face at left? The tab writes, under that photo, "Kate's hard-partying ways are beginning to show on the world beauty." Or maybe it's just the tint on the limo glass? [Mail]

Lily Allen's "Five Minutes Of Awkward" Still Kind Of Awesome

Ryan Tate · 02/14/08 01:49AM

So yes, agreed, the premiere of Lily Allen's new variety show was shift-in-your-chair awkward, judging by the five-minute YouTube clip that's been circulating online. But go easy on the tiny British pop singer in your Livejournal posts or whatever, she sort of had more important things going on lately than prepping for her TV show, like dealing with a tragic miscarriage. Also, most of the "awkward" in this clip radiates from creepy internet singer Tay Zonday; Allen's unguarded enthusiasm and lack of pretension mean the show could someday embody the awesomeness for which Allen is otherwise known. Her five minutes of not-so-awful awkward:

Tiny UK Pop Star Lily Allen Totally Pregnant!

Joshua Stein · 12/19/07 10:20AM

The Juno effect continues this morning. Yesterday Britney Spears' younger sister Jamie-Lynn (aka "the classy one") announced her pregnancy. Today Lily Allen, the diminutive and frank UK pop sensation (AKA "Amy Winehouse minus the heroin") announced she too is pregnant. Her baby daddy is one half of the Chemical Brothers, Ed Simons. One can only hope that this story, like the film, "follows the heroine...on a twisty path toward responsibility and greater self-understanding."

Lily Allen: Not Big

Emily Gould · 10/08/07 08:00AM
  • Formerly endearingly real British singer Lily Allen lost a lot of weight via hypnotism. Lame! [TMZ]

Lily Allen Has A Third Nipple

abalk · 07/16/07 04:00PM

At this point we're not even sure how she does it, but Lily Allen keeps getting cooler. This time it has to do with her extraneous nipple, which she happily whips out for the world to see. Almost NSFW! [Via WWTDD]

When James Kurisunkal Met Ashley Winksdale

Emily Gould · 07/13/07 11:10AM

Fairy tales can come true. It can happen to you! If you're young at heart, mind, and writing ability. At least, that's our takeaway from Park Avenue Peerage blogger James Kurisunkal's account of his meeting with socialite Tinsley Mortimer, who we call Ashley Winksdale now because that's what Lily Allen does. He journaled the moment for New York mag!

Emily Gould · 06/27/07 10:45AM

More reasons why Lily Allen is the total God of you: "I have been having a lot of lesbian dreams lately. I think I might be gay! Don't tell my boyfriend. I have guy dreams and girl dreams, but the girl dreams are much dirtier." On the 2008 election: "Al Gore's going to come in at the last minute and it's going to be Gore as president and Obama for vice-president. You can [photograph] my tits if Al Gore is not president in two year's time." On genetics: "I've got my dad's short legs and long back. My mom, my sister, and my brother all have blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm the only one like this. My sister's very tall and beautiful. But then again, I'm talented and rich." [Vulture]

Lily Allen Rechristens Tinsley Mortimer

Emily Gould · 06/25/07 09:25AM

There's a lot to love about Lily Allen. For starters: she basically wrote an entire album about the fact that her exboyfriend's dick is "not big" and that he never got her off. She gives us some more reasons to worship at her wacky self-hating paparazzi-punching alkie British throne by offering up some choice quotes to New Yorktoday. We learn that she is indifferent to the Hamptons and to the charms of Tinz Mortimer, 31, for whom she has coined a new nickname. "They were like, 'We'll pay you and give you a house.' So we were like, 'Alright.' I was so drunk I kept calling Tinsley 'Ashley Winksdale.'" And that's all we're ever going to call Tinsley from now on.