• Actress Jessica Alba married Cash Warren, father to the daughter she is set to give birth to this summer. The couple met on the set of Fantastic Four, where he was a director's assistant. [Rush & Molloy]
  • Woody Harrelson: Married, but an ogler. Unsurprising, even if he wasn't running wild on some giant yacht at Cannes. [P6]
  • Sad Lily Allen getting sadder at Cannes, where the sometimes-adorable British singer drunkenly and embarrassingly jumped off a millionaire's yacht and passed out drunk in a club "on her father's lap." Previously this year she had broken engagement, a miscarriage, and her TV show got cancelled. I would just stay indoors until next year. Or, you know, stop drinking. [P6]
  • Teetotaler Kristin Davis says she's sending back the Cosmo you sent her because she's a recovering alcoholic, but she could also just reject it as a totally lame gesture, and she'd still be righteous. [P6]
  • Nas decided against calling his album "N—ger" because Al Sharpton asked him not to. Or, more likely, because no one would stock his record and he would make way, way less money. That's fine with Sharpton, of course, because that's just how he rolls. "He can rap against me. I'll preach against them. We're still friends." [Rush & Molloy]
  • Courtney Love explained she has not canceled her second solo album, because that would be crazy. [Reuters]
  • Jennifer Aniston told friends her man/obsession John Mayer said is "way better" in bed than Brad Pitt, according to a National Enquirer source who presumably feels as suffocated by the relationship as everyone else who has to read about it. [Showbiz Spy]
  • Someone in Liverpool spent 18 months growing and sculpting a Beatles hedge, only to have someone chop off Ringo Starr's head. [TMZ]
  • Pete Wentz would like everyone to know that he and Ashlee Simpson have signed a prenup. [Showbiz Spy]