• London tabloid Daily Mail snickered at Kate Moss' bony knees during Moss' night on the town with her rocker boyfriend, but what about the frightening shot of her face at left? The tab writes, under that photo, "Kate's hard-partying ways are beginning to show on the world beauty." Or maybe it's just the tint on the limo glass? [Mail]
  • Britney Spears was not allowed to go to the bathroom alone, call anyone or touch the mail, but she was allowed to order something called a "lobster burger."
  • Lily Allen had a miscarriage, broke up with her lover and her show got low ratings. Now lingerie maker Agent Provocateur is backing out of a modeling deal she trained hard for. Where is Chris Crocker when you need him? [Sun]
  • Yankee Derek Jeter shut down by actress Sienna Miller, who had no idea who he was. [P6]
  • Vanessa Hudgens,18, looking cute in an airport. ("Hot" would be creepy still, right? Too soon?) [X17]
  • After being "inappropriate" with an adult film star during the taping of a reality show, married Daniel Baldwin returned home. Now he's got a black eye.
  • Oil heir and inventor of the term "firecrotch" Brandon Davis is out of rehab and, surprise, now has a short temper, most recently with some South Beach hotel staff who called the police. Sounds like a certain hotel needs to sign up for the Russell Crowe Celebrity Sensitivity Training Workshops. [P6]
  • Jessica Simpson is blocking a video she starred in, because it might possibly have some redeeming social value. [P6]
  • After all the pussies canceled their Oscar parties, which diehard queen was left standing? Elton Fucking John, that's who. [P6]
  • Michael Bolton is engaged to an actress from Desperate Housewives in an attempt to create the most sickening wedding ever. [Daily News]