
Brian Atene Vs. Leave Britney Alone Guy

mark · 09/24/07 06:48PM

Even though the clip's ultimate purpose is unclear—unless it's intended to create a viral abomination that will rampage through the internet, destroying every bears-in-hammocks video in its path—it did, like all provocative works of art, cause us to ponder an uncomfortable question: namely, how can we live in a world where LBAG can rack up 9 million views en route to his own possible reality show, while a gifted improvisational performer like Atene is forced to toil in development-deal-free obscurity? God, we are forced to conclude, has turned His back on the YouTubes.

Leave Britney Alone Guy: The Possible TV Show

mark · 09/19/07 10:42AM

"Chris first got on our radar a year ago," said 44 Blue prexy/co-founder Rasha Drachkovitch, who said he wants to develop a show that plays to Crocker's strengths.

mark · 09/13/07 04:51PM

In a MySpaceTV! Exclusive!, Leave Britney Alone Guy (and yes, we know his name, he's only like the most famous person on the planet at the moment) offers to join his embattled hero in a suicide pact should she be driven to self-annhilation by the cruel words of insensitive bloggers. [MySpaceTV]