Leave Britney Alone Guy, it seems, fundamentally misunderstands what is expected of him in exchange for the meteoric, disposable fame he's derived from those two minutes of carefully calculated YouTube histronics.

Dropping by the Yo on E! studio yesterday, the internet sensation who emerged a fully formed diva from the afterbirth of Spears' VMA performance, refused to intone the catchphrase that's earned him a reality show that may or may not ever find it's way to the air, an act of defiance tantamount to an organ grinder's monkey defecating in his tiny hat after a passerby hands him a dollar. If he doesn't quickly learn a way to make his mascara streak on command without ten minutes of dramatic preparation, he's going to find his hosts on the basic cable promotional circuit cutting his segments short so they can spend more time chatting with more cooperative viral video superstars, like that bear who fell out of the hammock.

BONUS! If you stumble upon those naked photos of LBAG, don't look at them. It's a jailbait trap!