For reasons that are completely beyond our comprehension, someone decided to dip the trainwreck-defending, histrionic-famewhore chocolate of Leave Britney Alone Guy in Kubrickian castoff Brian Atene's artistically untainted, batshit-monologist peanut butter, producing the above video mash-up delivered to our inbox as this sleepy Monday winds down.

Even though the clip's ultimate purpose is unclear—unless it's intended to create a viral abomination that will rampage through the internet, destroying every bears-in-hammocks video in its path—it did, like all provocative works of art, cause us to ponder an uncomfortable question: namely, how can we live in a world where LBAG can rack up 9 million views en route to his own possible reality show, while a gifted improvisational performer like Atene is forced to toil in development-deal-free obscurity? God, we are forced to conclude, has turned His back on the YouTubes.