Why, you may ask, are we once again subjecting you to the tear-soaked, not at all calculated defense of the underclothed VMA suicide bomber to whom Leave Britney Alone Guy has so publicly pledged his fealty? Because someone thinks this is a TV show. According to Variety reality TV production entity 44 Blue (of Survive This!, Mega Movers, and Designing Blind fame) has signed the histrionic, oft-parodied YouTubes sensation to a development deal:

"Chris first got on our radar a year ago," said 44 Blue prexy/co-founder Rasha Drachkovitch, who said he wants to develop a show that plays to Crocker's strengths.

"It's going to pretty much be the 'Chris Crocker experience,'" he said. "We consider him a rebel character that people will find interesting. He's going to be a TV star."

With Hollywood serving up a seemingly inexhaustible supply of drug-addled, career-sabotaging starlets in need of protection from a cruel and unsympathetic public, we're confident that 44 Blue will eventually be successful in delivering the "Chris Crocker experience" (we imagine this involves nothing more complicated than a camcorder, a yellow blanket backdrop, and enough mascara to streak a thousand eyes streaming salty crocodile tears) into America's living rooms. Assuming, of course, that the televisions in those living rooms have access to the Screamy Drama Queen Channel on which it will eventually run.