
Maryland On Track to Approve Gay Marriage

Caity Weaver · 02/23/12 09:29PM

Maryland, the U.S. state with the most bonkers flag, could become the eighth one to approve same-sex marriage, after its Senate voted today to approve the measure.

New NYC Homeless Policy Rejected (For Now)

Caity Weaver · 02/21/12 08:48PM

Good news for All The Single [Homeless] Ladies: the Manhattan state Supreme Court ruled today that, for the time being, unmarried homeless people do not have to prove they have no other housing options before entering a shelter.

Selling Fake Maple Syrup Could Soon Be a Federal Felony

Adrian Chen · 10/25/11 05:08PM

Wait! Before you pour maple syrup on your evening pancake stack: Are you sure that's real maple syrup and not some poisonous impostor? A Vermont senator wants to make selling fake syrup a felony, punishable by hard prison time.

'Liberal Extremist' Court Says Alabama Can't Track Students' Immigration Info

Max Read · 10/15/11 10:09AM

All Alabama wants to do is stop the Mexicans from coming to its state and taking "the jobs nobody wants to do," by forcing visible minorities to carry proof of legal immigration status on them at all times, and also tracking the immigration status of schoolchildren (who are literally stealing education), but will the "liberal extremists" of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals let them? Noooo!

Today Is the Last Day to Have Sex with an Animal in Florida—Legally

Maureen O'Connor · 09/30/11 03:38PM

Today is the last day that you can legally fuck an animal in Florida. At the stroke of midnight on October 1st, the Sunshine State's new anti-bestiality law goes into effect, forbidding "sexual contact" and "sexual conduct" with "animals." (So it might be illegal to have sex with other humans, too. Molds and fungi, however, are fair game.) Floridians: How do you plan to spend these precious final hours of legal bestiality?

Angry Birds Theme Park Opens Illegally In China

Leah Beckmann · 09/16/11 06:02PM

Angry Birds enthusiasts, gather ‘round. Your dream of entering a larger than life, Angry Birds-themed world is now a reality. A theme park based on the popular cellphone videogame has opened in Changsta, a city in China's Hunan province. Now, I have never played the game in my life, but I know that there are many crazed fans out there for whom this is excellent news. Congrats, you guys, and finally!

Gabby Giffords Returns to Washington to Vote for Debt Ceiling Bill

Max Read · 08/01/11 06:09PM

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords returned to the House of Representatives on Monday, receiving a standing ovation and enthusiastically greeting her colleagues after casting her vote (her first since being shot in January) for the debt ceiling bill, which passed 269-161.

Texting While Walking Is Now a Crime in Philadelphia

Max Read · 07/18/11 06:20PM

In today's little bit of authoritarianism we can get behind: Philadelphia is going to start handing out citations—and $120 fines—to pedestrians who "text while they walk without looking ahead."

California Wants to Force Children to Learn about Gays

Max Read · 07/05/11 10:12PM

The California Assembly has passed a bill that would require textbooks and history classes in schools to "include the contributions of gays, lesbians and transgender Americans." According to the bill's supporters, such a requirement would reduce the instance of anti-gay bullying, as well as paint a more accurate picture of American history; according to the bill's opponents, this bill will literally force every child to be homosexual forever, risking their places in heaven. The bill now goes to Gov. Jerry Brown's desk for either a signature or veto; Brown "has taken no public position." [LAT, image via AP]

San Francisco May Ban Goldfish

Max Read · 06/16/11 11:35PM

Fresh off an unsuccessful attempt to make circumcision illegal, San Francisco has turned elsewhere for its next attempted ban: Goldfish. The Animal Control and Welfare Commission would like to ban the sale of pets in the city, even goldfish. The proposed ban seems destined to fail a vote of the Board of Supervisors (just like the ACWC's recommendation to mix birth control with birdseed to reduce the pigeon population), but we appreciate that it was put forward in the first place, because "Isn't San Francisco Wacky, Man?" stories written by non-San Franciscans are among our favorites. [SFC]