Angry Birds enthusiasts, gather ‘round. Your dream of entering a larger than life, Angry Birds-themed world is now a reality. A theme park based on the popular cellphone videogame has opened in Changsta, a city in China's Hunan province. Now, I have never played the game in my life, but I know that there are many crazed fans out there for whom this is excellent news. Congrats, you guys, and finally!

The only problem, however, is that the newly opened theme park is already facing legality issues. The park was built and opened seemingly without anyone asking permission from the Angry Birds people, and is thus in violation of, duh, several copyrights. This is yet another incidence in a string of intellectual property disputes in China: last July, for example, several counterfeit Apple stores were shut down after an American blogger shed some unwanted attention on the illegally operating stores.

A spokesperson for Rovio, the Angry Birds' developer, suggested that there might be a partnership in the works, so perhaps Angry Birds World will have a long and happy life after all. Listen here, Rovio, I am a Business Expert (I am not a Business Expert) and you would be crazy to walk away from an opportunity like this. Strike while the iron is hot! If there is a market for an Angry Birds theme park, of which there certainly seems to be, then give the people what they want. And what the people want is a park filled with life-sized birds and enormous slingshots.

Next year in Angry Birdsville, everybody!

[Images via Flckr, Ye Xiumei via CBS]