
The 10 Most Depressing Parts of The New Yorker's E.D.M. Article Ranked

Rich Juzwiak · 09/24/13 04:46PM

E.D.M. will be the death of our culture, if molly doesn't kill us all first. That is what I gathered from "Night Club Royale," the New Yorker's semi-profile of Paris Hilton's ex, producer/DJ Afrojack, who amused me so when I saw him at the Electric Daisy Carnival in 2012, and through whom writer Josh Eells gives us a good look at the entire Vegas nightclub casino scene. (Between this and the Rolling Stone Miley Cyrus profile, Eells having the best culture-writing week ever.)

Bubble Watch: Desert McMansions Edition

Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/13 11:55AM

Yesterday we wondered what the next bubble will be, and when it will pop, thereby destroying us all. We intend to keep an eye on all possible bubbles from now until the next crash, so that we may claim to have "predicted" it. Today's candidate: flimsy homes in desert wastelands.

Cirque du Soleil Acrobat Falls to Her Death During Show Finale

Caity Weaver · 07/01/13 01:04PM

A 31-year-old Cirque du Soleil acrobat plummeted 50 feet to her death on Saturday during the finale scene of the company's Kà show at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas. Hers is believed to be the first stage death in Cirque du Soleil's nearly 30 year history.

A Stunning Time-Lapse Video to Restore Your Faith in Time-Lapse Videos

Max Read · 10/15/12 10:13AM

Time-lapse videos: they are all over the place, and they are all pretty, and at some point, aren't you like, "okay, I get it"? (As Dylan once sang, "How many time-lapse videos/Must a blogger post/Before he gets enough hits.") But! This one — Istanbul! Budapest! San Francisco! Vegas! Storms! The Northern Lights! — will restore faith in the power of streaming HD video and expensive "prosumer" camera equipment to even the most jaded time-lapse viewer, provided you turn down the shitty dubstep soundtrack and put on something good. Or you could just rent Koyaanisqatsi, I guess. [Reid Gower via Reddit]

How Not to Rob a Casino

Hamilton Nolan · 08/01/12 09:55AM

If you wanted to rob a high-end Las Vegas casino, I imagine the best plan would be something involving an inside accomplice, cutting-edge technology, stealth, and a well-planned getaway. The "run in and grab what you can" method would not be the primary choice of most successful casino robbers.