A Facebook page reportedly maintained by Prince Harry under the pseudonym Spike Wells has been shuttered in the wake of last week's strip billiards scandal.

The account was extremely private, with limited access to all but 400 close friends, but was shut down none the less at the behest of Harry's handlers.

"Because all of the Vegas drama he's frozen his account," a royal source told Us Weekly. "No more Facebook for Harry for a while. He'll probably come back online in the future, but, for now, he's been advised to go offline."

If his account were still online, Harry — whose profile picture was, at least at one time, a photo of a red-headed boy holding his head in shame exclaiming "Oh My God, I'm a ginger" — may have had to switch his status to "It's Complicated."

The prince's most recent consort, socialite Cressida Bonas, is said to have broken up with him over his Vegas shenanigans. It certainly doesn't help that he is said to have recently posted photos of former flame Chelsy Davy.

In addition to Harry, two of his pals also hit the panic button on their Facebook accounts, allegedly over their photo albums, which contain even naughtier vacation pics of the third-in-line than those that have already leaked.

[photo via Getty]