Employee with Handgun Defends Dairy Queen Against Samurai Sword Brandishing Robber

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department says an employee at a local Dairy Queen shot and killed a man who was attempting to rob the store with a samurai sword.

"It was a full-sized, martial arts sword," Metro Homicide detective Lt. Ray Steiber told Action News 13. "It's not something you see every day. That sword is deadly, if in the right hands."
Incidentally, so is a handgun, which is what police say an employee of the South Maryland Parkway DQ used to defend his establishment against a masked man who ran screaming into the store, wielding a sword.
There were no customers inside the restaurant at the time, according to Metro Police.
The targeted franchise is owned and operated by a Lebanese family, who are said to be "traumatized" by the incident. "I'm so thankful they weren't hurt," said customer Patrick Gorgan. "They did the right thing. But, this will change their lives forever, there's no question about that."
The suspected robber was rushed to Sunrise Hospital where he was pronounced dead. His identity has not been released. No charges have been filed against the employee, whom police say appears to have been acting in self-defense.