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  • Apple's iPod maker says the sweatshop story isn't true, and they've vaguely threatened a lawsuit over the claim, made by the UK's Daily Mail. Can we resolve this peacefully so the slaves can crank out more toys? [Apple Insider]
  • Props to Gnomedex organizer Chris Pirillo for designing conference tees that we'd pay good cash for (pictured). []
  • I was utterly remiss not to show you this classic 1998 rant about writing for Wired Magazine. [Boing Boing]
  • The "Coolz0r" blog has so far catalogued 54 services using "Flickr"-style names. If anyone wants to use this as a hitlist, the blogger will not be held responsible. [Coolz0r]
  • AOL knew it was shady back in 2000. Then again, so did everyone else. [CNNMoney]
  • Larry Ellison officially admits — it's not about the sick kids, it's about his buddy at Harvard. Those expecting the Oracle founder's $115 million donation can suck it. More on this tomorrow. [SFGate]