
Jessica Alba Grocery Store Wandering Exclusive!

seth · 12/07/07 06:00PM

PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often! Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you spotted Buster Bluth menacing the Grove Santa with his hook.

Is Homewrecker Laurie David A Secret "Carbon Sasquatch"?

Emily Gould · 07/24/07 01:00PM

Inconvenient Truth-teller Laurie David busted up her marriage to intermittently hilarious Jew Larry David to be with a married Republican contractor named Bart Thorpe, the NY Post reported Sunday, confirming weeks of rumors and including damning details like "giggling and laughing, Laurie David slipped her feet into Thorpe's shoes after climbing out of his boat." S(c)andalous! But according to a commenter on green gossip blog Ecorazzi (yes really), there's a bit more to the story.

Clooney, Pitt, And Damon Achieve Hollywood Tourist Trap Immortality

mark · 06/05/07 08:45PM

· Can't three Hollywood buddies pose for some photos on their knees without people taking cheap shots at the nature of their friendship anymore?
· That's right, ladies: Larry David is back on the market. And as for the guys, Laurie David's got to be worth at least $100 million (assuming Larry didn't have her sign a Massey prenup), so bone up on your environmentally savvy pick-up lines (the one about checking out the back seat of your Prius is a classic) and get to work.
· E! Online details the hidden dangers of your innocent searches for photos of Britney Spears' vagina.
· Though he finds Judd Apatow cuddly, Peter Bart isn't buying the Knocked Up hype. Is the cantankerous Var chief's heart made of stone?

Gossip Roundup: Stephen Baldwin, Now Even More Disgusting

gdelahaye · 08/11/06 12:20PM

• At least someone is trying to keep Madonna's lesbian cougar tendencies in check. [Liz Smith]
• Heidi Klum and Elle McPherson wage war over nickname "The Body," not realizing that the rest of the world just thinks of them as "old." [Lowdown]
• Matt Dillon is just as big of a schmuck in real life as he seems in his movies. World unimpressed. [Page Six]
• "Actor Stephen Baldwin is the born-again, George Bush-loving Baldwin brother, but who knew he's also a fan of threesomes in the bedroom?" You mean besides anyone who saw his movie Threesome? Also: gross. [Lowdown]
• Old Jew hears about success of David Cross impersonator, makes adjustments for age, becomes Larry David impersonator. [R&M]
• Dave Navarro no longer in love wit a stripper. [CNN]

Gossip Roundup: 'Vanity Fair' Falls to Suri's Level

Jessica · 08/09/06 01:20PM

• Yes, Virginia, there is a Suri — and she's been photographed by Annie Liebovitz for Vanity Fair. We'd no idea Graydon was in the celebrity baby trade. Who are we kidding? The Scientologists totally paid him off to run a spread with a stuntbaby. [Page Six]
• Paul McCartney changes the locks and calls the cops on estranged wife Heather Mills. He's also frozen their joint bank account and thinks land mines are awesome. [NYDN]
• Lance Armstrong and Matthew McConaughey frolic in the rough waters off of Miami, their muscles taut and glistening. [TMZ]
• Now that Vaughniston is engaged, we can all learn that his "ring" is bigger than Brad's. [Us Weekly]
• Clothes shopping with Adrien Brody is like battling in the Coliseum. [R&M (last item)]
• Larry David and environmentalist wife Laurie drive a gas-guzzling BMW 530, presumably because the Prius doesn't come in a luxury model. [Page Six]
• Celebrities are just soooo in love and soooo adorable and soooo happy. Fuckers. [Lowdown]

Gossip Roundup: Donald Trump Scares Contestants Into Silence

Jessica · 11/14/05 10:39AM

• The contestants on this season of Donald Trump's Apprentice have been threatened with "severe consequences" if they violate non-disclosure agreements. Frankly, we can't imagine a consequence more severe than simply appearing on the show, but we're sure Trump and Mark Burnett will cook up something pervy. [Lowdown]
• Jessica Simpson fears that younger sister Ashlee will either party herself into serious trouble, or burn down the house while microwaving popcorn. [Page Six]
• Did People executive editor Peter Castro get passed over for the top job at TV Guide because Rupert Murdoch doesn't like the ethnic flavor? [Gatecrasher]
• Larry David's summer home on Martha's Vineyard becomes an epicenter of yuppie controversy, as contractors destroy protected vegetation to create a giant fire pit, barbeque, and stage area. David, being an environmentalist, blames his lawyer. [Page Six]
• The wise handlers for former President Bill Clinton won't allow the liberal ladykiller to be photographed alone with model Petra Nemcova. Pity, we really wanted to see him offer her some post-tsunami comfort. [R&M]
• Michael Jackson thanks his fans for sticking with him while he drunkenly shared his bed with young boys. [Scoop]