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• Yes, Virginia, there is a Suri — and she's been photographed by Annie Liebovitz for Vanity Fair. We'd no idea Graydon was in the celebrity baby trade. Who are we kidding? The Scientologists totally paid him off to run a spread with a stuntbaby. [Page Six]
• Paul McCartney changes the locks and calls the cops on estranged wife Heather Mills. He's also frozen their joint bank account and thinks land mines are awesome. [NYDN]
• Lance Armstrong and Matthew McConaughey frolic in the rough waters off of Miami, their muscles taut and glistening. [TMZ]
• Now that Vaughniston is engaged, we can all learn that his "ring" is bigger than Brad's. [Us Weekly]
• Clothes shopping with Adrien Brody is like battling in the Coliseum. [R&M (last item)]
• Larry David and environmentalist wife Laurie drive a gas-guzzling BMW 530, presumably because the Prius doesn't come in a luxury model. [Page Six]
• Celebrities are just soooo in love and soooo adorable and soooo happy. Fuckers. [Lowdown]