
Socialgay Micah Jesse Turns 21

Joshua Stein · 07/19/07 03:35PM

Last night dippy PR socialite Micah Jesse, most famous for being dippy PR socialite Kristian Laliberte's sworn archnemesis, celebrated his 21st birthday at Home, one of the grande dame agée nightclubs on W. 27th street. "There'll be celebrity guests I don't even know about," he boasted earlier in the day. Perhaps that's true but when our forebearing photographer Nikola Tamindzic and I went, we didn't see them.

Happy Birthday, Kristian Laliberte!

Emily Gould · 06/26/07 03:31PM

Pictured is our by-default favorite socialolgay Kristian Laliberte at the "rowdy" and "private, sit-down dinner" he threw to celebrate his birthgay, accompanied by Social Life magazine "editor" and alleged sometime poledancer Devorah "Rexy" Rose and some other ho. More pix can be found at Lesser Known, Better Connected, a blog so gay that it totally went down on our manly computer.

Heatherette Attacks Old People

Joshua Stein · 06/22/07 03:10PM

Clubkid fashion label Heatherette was given some award last night by the stuffy National Arts Club on Gramercy Park—clearly this was a crazy attempt to draw the youth into the ranks of its members. The oak-paneled, floral-carpeted lobby was filled with flamboyant gays, aging relics from the Tunnel days and a few older club members whose senescence was only outshone by their befuddlement. Heatherette's co-founder Traver Rains wore his signature cowboy hat, a Swarovski crystal necklace and flared alligator print jeans. He spoke to us about the intricacies of jerking off a horse. (He's been doing it since he was 6, back on the farm in Montana.) Nikola Tamindzic was there to document the... stuff.

Micah Jesse Wants To See Kristian Laliberte Ruined

Joshua Stein · 06/22/07 11:40AM

You don't gain the stature of apartment-hunting fur-loving socialgay Kristian Laliberte without making enemies along the way. Last night, we finally met the Draco Malfoy to Laliberte's Harry Potter. His name is Micah Jesse. He's a socialgay who works in PR. He wears subtle eyeliner and foundation just like Kristian. He even has the same roundness of features that makes Kristian look blandly wholesome. We ran in to him last night, and he told us, "I've known Kristian for years. People got us confused. We're both gay. We both were at the same parties. We both work in PR. But people are starting to turn on him. They're seeing that he's playing the manipulative socialite game."

Kristian Laliberte Is A High Class Call Girl

Emily Gould · 06/21/07 11:20AM

This week, Time Out dating columnist Julia Allison asks, 'Is it okay to kind of whore yourself out in order to have a place to crash in the Hamptons on the weekends?' But that lady is as full of surprises as she is full of sparkly photogenic poses and zingy bon mots: Her own personal answer is, 'Maybe not!' See, she's been burned: "Right now [the Hamptons] is "just a place" where the last three men I dated all have houses. Houses to which I am definitely not invited. And, let me assure you, summer is not as much fun when other women are swimming in your ex's pool." But socialgay Kristian Laliberte thinks that sleeping your way into a primo summershare is a-ok, as long as some basic conditions are met: "How nice is the place? Gin Lane address—probably. Hampton Bays—no way."

A Privileged Life: Celebrating WASP Style

Joshua Stein · 06/14/07 12:00PM

Last night at the J. Crew store, under glaringly bright lights that seemed to turn the racks of salmon colored slacks lambent and day-glo, WASPs gathered to toast themselves. The occasion was the publication of the new Assouline book "A Privileged Life: Celebrating WASP Style" which does what its subtitle suggests. Assouline owner Prosper Assouline said, "It is sociologique these WASPS. It is so Americaine!" Socialgay Kristian Laliberte and his erstwhile reality TV co-star Paul Johnson-Calderon both wore sunglasses. Upon learning Radar's reporter Sarah Horne went to Exeter, socialite Emma Snowdon-Jones asked whether she swallowed. Horne replied, "Only when I'm forced to." Our Serbian photographer Nikola Tamindzic captured these WASPs in their natural habitat.

Is Dalton Tutor Anisha Lakhani Ratting Out Rich Kids?

Emily Gould · 06/13/07 10:45AM

Posh private school tell-alls are so hot right now! That Hotchkiss School roman a clef has been getting improbably lauded and Academy X author Andrew Trees has been getting ousted from Horace Mann—and now another insider peek at that rarefied world has sold. TABOO: A Manhattan Tutor Talks is to be an "autobiographical novel," written by an anonymous author writing under the name "Anna Taggart," whose real identity will be revealed "upon publication." Or maybe sooner. Hey, how's now?

Kristian Laliberte Is The Next Lauren Conrad

Emily Gould · 06/06/07 08:21AM
  • Kristian Laliberte and his "frenemy" Paul Johnson-Calderon are "in talks with several networks" to do a reality show that will be "a combination of The Hills and The Simple Life." [NYO]

Kristian Laliberte To End Suicide Via Color Coordination

Emily Gould · 06/05/07 03:25PM

Socialolgay Kristian Laliberte is teaming up with fellow social-things Annabel Vartanian and Anisha Lakhani to "raise awareness for our new chapter of the American Federation of Suicide Prevention." How noble! So how are these charitable-minded souls going about trying to make us want to kill ourselves less? A: All wrong, as Kristian's email attests.

Kristian Laliberte Is Looking To Rent Or Buy

Emily Gould · 05/29/07 10:24AM

Never let it be said that this website is not a force for the public good. Why, sometimes it is basically Craigslist! Today we're going to help social-thing, heir to whatnot and fashion publicist of some nature Kristian Laliberte find a new apartment (remember, his old one was too uptown and burgle-prone). The email he sent out describing his shockingly meager specifications is after the jump.

Diamonds Are A Publicity-Loving Teen Actress's Best Friend

Emily Gould · 05/22/07 01:15PM

When you hear the name "Leven Rambin," you think of so many things. You might think about how Leven was styled by Kristian Laliberte! Or about how she is the 'adopted little sister' of Julia Allison! And then there's her career as an award-nominated soap opera actress! Well, you'll have to add yet another achievement to that litany: Leven has been selected to be the new face and spokeswoman for Caressa jewelry. It's about time. She shared the happy news in a mass email to her friends and fans.

Banksy Revealed

Joshua Stein · 05/21/07 11:40AM

Until now, Brad Pitt's favorite graffiti artist Banksy was known only through his tongue-in-cheek stunts and his vaguely anti-establishment stencils. Thanks to some legal gymnastics, Banksy is finally revealed. And surprise! He looks just like an Average Dude. Now this is either good news or bad news. If you like your artists quirky, say like Dali or Kristian Laliberte, that such works as a painted elephant emanated from such a jejune fellow is bound to be disappointing. However, if you're a fan of Jeff Koons and Gerhard Richter and other boring-looking artists, you might find it uplifting that such work flows from such a bland container.

Kristian Laliberte's Novel Stolen!

Emily · 05/16/07 10:29AM

So why is socialgay and clothing publicist Kristian Laliberte moving apartments, as he mentioned in yesterday's bulletin? Turns out, he wuz robbed! That's what he gets for living at 96th and 2nd. "Along with a Patek Philippe watch that had belonged to his grandfather, Mr. Laliberte's laptop also disappeared. 'I'm writing a book, and my book was on it!'" he told the Observer. If only Kristian had backed up his work! Who knows what kind of literary masterpiece has been lost to posterity? Anyway now his parents will buy him a new apartment.

Kristian Laliberte And His Little Dog Too

Emily · 05/15/07 01:00PM

The city's "most fabulous men" will be strutting their stuff in a charity fashion show next Monday. They'll be accompanied down the runway by little dogs who are up for adoption. Hots. Obviously Kristian Laliberte will be in effect, and if you're his friend, you better be too! "Bring out your Spring party outfits and come see some cute boys and cute dogs," he emailed to some pals. "The perfect combination! The dog I am walking is the cutest Staffordshire 6 month old named Monica who is looking for a great home. I would love to adopt her myself if I wasn't moving apartments in July. We've been working on this charity for a while, and the ticket price is really good ($100.00!) so I am going to bug everyone until my friends have all bought tickets unless they have a legitmate [sic] excuse." How about 'totally not giving a fuck' as an excuse? Does that count?

Unruly Heir Launch at Nettis

Josh · 05/10/07 01:21PM

Next to a trash pile on Cleveland Place last night, a boulder of a bouncer watched over wisps of glittery ladies sucking in Parliaments and checking their Treos. The launch of Unruly Heir was taking place in the basement of Bar Martignetti, a bar recently hailed as the downtown outpost of the UWS preppiness. The line, founded by a black kid named Curtis from East New York and a rich white kid named Joey Goodwin from Palm Beach, promised to bring the preppy vibe into a more intimate relationship with the street aesthetic. Remember Kurisunkal's seersucker hoodie? That's them. Lured by the promise of socialites (and because all the other editors bailed), it was into this warm pink-shirt miasma we ventured. The invitation promised appearances by Q-Tip, Taye Diggs, Derek Blasberg, and Luigi Tadini. But we mostly encountered our rising sense of malaise and Kristian Laliberte.—Josh

Is Kristian Laliberte Pulling James Kurisunkal's Strings?

Emily · 05/09/07 09:56AM

In a photo that ran in New York on Monday, Park Avenue Peerage's James Kurisunkal appears to be wearing a $200 seersucker hoodie made by Unruly Heir, the company at which socialgay Kristian Laliberte, who we'd once suspected of being behind PAP, is a creative director. Maybe it's a total random coincidence! Or maybe Kristian sent James the hoodie as a thank-you gift after he posted a fawning writeup of Kristian's "busy" lifestyle, complete with candids from a photoshoot for a Japanese magazine, on April 16. Hey, now that we think about it, how did Illinois-based James get those photos of Kristian anyway? Hmm.

Update: Kristian sez: "He purchased a hoodie just like everyone else. Just fyi."

Which Socialite Symbol Will Adorn 'New York'?

Emily · 05/04/07 11:55AM

Isaiah Wilner's long-awaited article will be in next week's New York magazine, and the question on everybody's lips is: Who will be the cover girl, boy, or girlyboy? Probably not Kristian Laliberte (pictured here in all his furry glory!) but we can always dream. Other strong contenders are living symbol of the socialzeitgeist Olivia Palmero, last month's living symbol of the socializeitgeist Tinsley Mortimer, and Socialite Rank suspects of yore Peter Davis and Derek Blasberg. (Also: Maybe a completely unknown random person. Your guesses welcome.) Are you so excited? Eeeep! Probably not as excited as Isaiah Wilner, who we hear is looking for this article to open expensive doors for him at, say, Vogue. Good luck to all involved!