
Did Socialgay Kristian Laliberte Rat Out His Friends?

Sheila · 05/27/08 03:05PM

Socialgay Kristian Laliberte (rhymes with ohkaaay), who works in PR and will soon be a Hamptons reality star, had his identity stolen on the internet. Someone hacked into his Facebook and Gmail and sent mean messages to all his frenemies. But there's a twist, as Page Six Magazine's Joshua David Stein reports on his blog: the person who hacked Laliberte's accounts may have found evidence of what we've always suspected: he leaks stuff on all his "friends"!

Kristian Laliberte's Identity Stolen! How Will He Know Who He Is?

ian spiegelman · 05/25/08 03:42PM

Oh noes! Publicist/stylist/funboy-about-town Kristian Laliberte's Facebook page was hacked and someone's been sending his friends the most horrible messages! "Dear All," he writes. "This is Kristian and this message is real. Sometime between midnight and nine am, my facebook account was hacked into. A similar experience happened with my gmail two weeks ago-where fake emails were forwarded to an unknown address. The perpetrator sent slews of disgusting fake messages to many of my contacts, but I do not know who all received these. I am categorically letting everyone know that this happened and I'm so sorry if you were upset for one moment and caught up in this mess." Clues as to the perp's ID and a sample of the offending emails below.


Nick Denton · 05/07/08 11:51AM

Somebody must have snatched a photo of last night's shoving match between Kristian Laliberte, Gawker's favorite benefit-hopping gay, and Derek Blasberg, self-appointed arbiter of socialite status. Of course, it wasn't much of a match. Laliberte—accused by Blasberg of bad-mouthing the reporter—was reduced to tears, poor dear. Photos to

A Nightmare Becomes Real

Nick Denton · 03/24/08 04:39PM

Hey, check this out for a concept. What if the characters from your nightmares came back as reality show stars, and you were forced to watch, and blog, and watch yourself blogging, forever? As we reported this morning, two sets of Gawker characters are working on their own reality shows. We just got hold of Page Six magazine, which claims NBC begins filming Star magazine talking head Julia Allison and her fellow Gawker "angels" in April. Allison's It Girls production may run into the crew filming Kristian Laliberte, and assorted fellow socialites, who are scheduled to begin shooting The 10021 for ABC around the same time. Here, from the New York Post's Sunday insert, is a scan of the spread. ENLARGE»

Let's Blog!

Nick Denton · 03/20/08 10:41AM

It was cringeworthy enough when pundit-turned-blogger Arianna Huffington began talking about her cronies submitting a "blog" as if the word referred to an individual post, rather than an entire site. Now another web newbie, Steven Brill's socialite daughter, is mangling the lingo. Emily Brill ran into absurd socialgay Kristian Laliberte at Bloomingdale's menswear department last night. She summoned the fashion publicist over for a photo. "Okay Kristian, get over here. Let's blog." (Laliberte's desire to promote his label, Unruly Heir, must have trumped the embarrassment of such a hanger-on.)

The Greatest Reality Show That Never Was

Nick Denton · 03/13/08 03:54PM

It's so disappointing that Emily Brill and Kristian Laliberte (second from right and second from left, respectively) won't be appearing together after all in the planned Manhattan version of The Hills: the two empty socialites are already stabbing each other in the back like reality television pros. Brill, the publishing heiress, says she dropped out of Stick Figure Production's show because she wanted respect. "My writing is my priority. Not fame, not parties, not glamour. No short cuts. I'm going to earn respect through good, err, excellent writing." That's an option unavailable to her supposed friend, language-mangling fashion publicist Laliberte, who remains involved with the horrific reality show, according to Brill. But that's not the end of the story.

Joshua Stein · 11/08/07 10:45AM

Readers suggest some words of wisdom for Starbucks coffee cups: "Ham sandwich gramophone black people."—Kristian Laliberte. [LOLCait]

Inside The Befuddled Mind Of Kristian Laliberte

Joshua Stein · 10/30/07 04:47PM

It's only a matter of time before socialgay Kristian Laliberte writes his memoir, Give Me Laliberte or Give Me Girth. Until then, we'll have to make do with what scraps of Lalibertian reverie we can find. Now, someone at Guestofaguest took it upon themselves to talk to Laliberte for entirely too long. He does say some fascinating things; still, the ratio of things he says to the words he uses to say them is seriously off. So we've abridged!

Tinsley Mortimer Dispenses Excellent Advice On Love

Emily Gould · 10/26/07 12:45PM

"This party is so 'Buffy.' I don't mean like the T.V. show Buffy, I mean like these people might all be named Buffy. I'm surprised they didn't bring their tennis rackets," a rumpled cigarette-smoker was saying just outside the party for the second book in "The Upper Class" young adult series at Tailor last night. Well, sure: The party partly was a reunion of sorts for kids who went to Hotchkiss, the posh Connecticut boarding school the books' three authors attended. But party cohost and Heatherette designer Richie Rich had also brought with him a strong contingent of people who work in fashion or at the very least have been on a reality show about working in fashion. And holding court in a corner was the party's other cohost: The most popular boarding school girl of all time, Tinsley Mortimer. The exhilarating ripple of her voice was like a wild tonic in the rain. But Tinsley herself was less like a tonic and more like one of the bubblegum vodka martinis ("bazookas") being dispensed by the open bar: Totally sweet and not at all horrible like maybe you'd expect! Nikola Tamindzic captured the moments.

Kristian Laliberte And Paul Johnson-Calderone Have Taken The 'Fre' Out Of "Frenemy"

Emily Gould · 10/18/07 03:57PM

Yesterday, Vogue editor Lauren Davis' assistant and socialgay Peter Davis' boyfriend Paul Johnson-Calderone told the Observer that he had been prevented from participating in a "The Hills"-esque reality show called "Frenemies" with Unruly Heir flak, heir Kristian Laliberte, by Conde Nast rules. The same piece implied that Paul and Kristian "were at one time quarreling over the hot pash" of Peter. We wondered what Kristian had to say about all this. Turns out: A lot!

When Patrick McMullan Created Kristian Laliberte

Emily Gould · 10/03/07 09:30AM

"Mr. Laliberte said he first met [celeb shutterbug Patrick] McMullan at the former man's first benefit. 'He took my picture and I ended up talking to him. He was really sweet! He was like, "Don't take this too seriously, just have fun. Go out with your friends. Don't let the scene become you."'" No worries there, fashion publicist and socialgay Kristian Laliberte! The only thing that becomes you less than the scene are those white pants.

Do Not Feed Or Photograph Kristian Laliberte

abalk · 09/24/07 11:10AM

Jory, a general in the army of our supergay IT warriors, reports the following altercation with New York's favorite LOLgaypublicist Kristian Laliberte this weekend.

Dear Kristian, Dear Moby, Dear Braden Keil

Joshua Stein · 09/21/07 09:13AM

Each year (or really, every 11 months and two weeks or so, kinda), the Jews observe Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, during which leather shoes and doing it are totally forbidden. Then there are many apologies. Let it begin with us! Josh is up first because he's the Jewiest.

The Unruly Heir Spring '08 Show And Afterparty

Emily Gould · 09/10/07 05:10PM

Socialgay Kristian Laliberte, who does the PR for fledgling label Unruly Heir, had promised us "more of a presentation than a show, with models walking down the runway to inhabit tableaus vivant, or living painting." What this meant: models, dressed in preppie clothes but carrying props such as a croquet mallet, or a ghetto blaster boombox, or a hobo's hankie-on-stick thing, walked down the runway, posed at the end of it it, and then walked over to the side and pretended to "tag" a painting that was pretending to be a fancy painting by spritzing it lightly with pastel spraypaint. One of them threw a tennis ball into the audience! Another walked with an unlit cigarette in his mouth. It was all very badass, very Port Authority meets Palm Beach. Or: very Dalton meets Once I Saw 'Paris Is Burning.' The inimitable Laurel Ptak documented it for posterity.

The Tommy Hilfiger Party At MoMA

Joshua Stein · 09/06/07 05:02PM

Last night at MoMA, Tommy Hilfiger celebrated the publication of, somehow, his fifth book, co-written with legitimate design icon George Lois. It's a visual survey of pop culture and called Iconic America: A Roller-Coaster Ride through the Eye-Popping Panorama of American Pop Culture. Fittingly the massive MoMA lobby was filled with rounded Eero Aarnio chairs, a couple of Marcel Breuer's iconic Model B3 chairs and even a Lips Sofa. White shag carpeting took the place of the more traditional red carpet. Then appeared Arden Wohl.

Pete Wentz's Fashion Week Party at Tenjune

Joshua Stein · 09/06/07 01:02PM

Round midnight at 21st and 10th, the Conde Nast Rock and Republic pre-party was ending. Great hives of inebriated party-people heaved out, wobbly on margaritas and spike heels, into the waiting Conde Nast town cars. Then we saw Nicole Brydson, the Observer's gal on the fashion streets. She and her Nat Sherman cigarettes were with Observer media reporter Michael Calderone and Brooklyn Paper's Adam Rathe. Page Six's Corynne Steindler was talking urgently into her phone. They were going to Pete Wentz's party at Tenjune.

Emily Gould · 08/28/07 03:20PM

Socialolgay and fashionpreneur Kristian Laliberte claims the email we posted earlier about the Unruly Heir fashion show is part-phony. "Whoever wrote that email obviously doctored it. I never said anything about socials that were confirmed. Everything else was true. But i have no idea of who the confirmed socials will be. I know who I sent that email to, they are so sneaky." Quake, socials!

10 Secrets Of Kristian Laliberte's Fashion Show Revealed!

Emily Gould · 08/28/07 12:10PM

"We are having more of a presentation than a show, with models walking down the runway to inhabit tableaus vivant, or living painting," wrote socialolgay Kristian Laliberte to a company from which he's trying to get free stuff for his fashion week goodie bags. Heh. What other fabuleus things are in store for those lucky enough to be invited to Unruly Heir's Spring/Summer '08 Fashion Event at the Soho Grand?