Next to a trash pile on Cleveland Place last night, a boulder of a bouncer watched over wisps of glittery ladies sucking in Parliaments and checking their Treos. The launch of Unruly Heir was taking place in the basement of Bar Martignetti, a bar recently hailed as the downtown outpost of the UWS preppiness. The line, founded by a black kid named Curtis from East New York and a rich white kid named Joey Goodwin from Palm Beach, promised to bring the preppy vibe into a more intimate relationship with the street aesthetic. Remember Kurisunkal's seersucker hoodie? That's them. Lured by the promise of socialites (and because all the other editors bailed), it was into this warm pink-shirt miasma we ventured. The invitation promised appearances by Q-Tip, Taye Diggs, Derek Blasberg, and Luigi Tadini. But we mostly encountered our rising sense of malaise and Kristian Laliberte.—Josh