
The Best Parts of a Very Sexual, Very Horny, Very Good Interview Joe Biden Gave in 1974

Gabrielle Bluestone · 09/28/15 12:51PM

Tie dye, disco, and John Travolta’s career—these are just a few things from the 70s that don’t hold up today. One thing that does stand the test of time? This 1974 Kitty Kelley profile of Joe Biden. It is very good, very horny and contains at least one unprintable antisemitic joke. Which is all to say Joe Biden probably hasn’t changed much since 1974, and for that I am grateful.

Princess Diana Death Photo to Debut at Cannes

Maureen O'Connor · 05/10/11 02:58PM

A documentary about the death of Princess Diana will debut next week at the Cannes Film Festival—and will feature a graphic paparazzi photo of the princess as she lay dying after a car crash in Paris.

'Oprah Fired Me For Talking About Jesus'

Remy Stern · 03/02/11 02:19PM

Shortly after Oprah Winfrey became a national sensation she hired her first cousin Jo Baldwin to be her speechwriter. Later she promoted Baldwin to VP of her company Harpo Inc.

Justin and Cameron: Falling Back in Love?

Maureen O'Connor · 04/11/10 09:18AM

They're "laughing and flirting" now—when will they start canoodling? Suri Cruise hits the bottle to mask depression. Jon Gosselin entertains another TV show. Tiger Woods mistress #15. Catherine Zeta-Jones' bones. Sunday's gossip roundup is highly suspicious.

The Secret World of Oprah Winfrey

Ravi Somaiya · 04/10/10 09:33AM

Kitty Kelley has turned her unauthorized-biography attentions to Oprah. And found a secretive and controlling figure who will not give her own mother her phone number.

cityfile · 01/21/10 04:28PM

• As if this hasn't already been a crappy week for liberals thanks to the election results in Massachusetts, Air America announced today that it's shutting down effective immediately and filing for bankruptcy protection. [AP, WP]
• More on the conclusion of l'affaire Coco, what's in store for O'Brien (unclear), and what NBC can look forward to in the months ahead (lackluster ratings for Leno, mammoth losses, continued shame, etc). [NYT, TW, WSJ, NYT]
• CNN has been pulling out all the stops to cover the crisis in Haiti (not to mention invested in hundreds of tight t-shirts for Andy Cooper). And yet Fox News, which has sorta ignored the earthquake (and typically avoids covering stories involving poor black people) is still out in front in the ratings. [LAT]
• Kitty Kelley's tell-all about Oprah hits bookstores on Apr. 13. [AP]
• A Pulitzer for the National Enquirer? Stranger things have happened. [WP]
• HGTV and Food Network have returned to Cablevision customers. [NYT]
• Thanks to Lionel Richie and Quincy Jones, you'll be hearing "We Are the World" (Haiti 2010 edition) again in the near future. [Showbiz411]
• Madonna and Beyoncé have joined Team Clooney, FYI. [Reuters]
• So much for free content: Hulu may start charging its users to watch popular TV shows in the future; and YouTube is introducing pay-per-view videos.
• Is the Wall Street Journal really launching a travel agency? Yes. [E&P]
• Say goodbye (arrivederci?) to MTV's Jersey Shore. [NYM, Gawker, MTV]

In Wake of Kitty Kelley Bio Deal, Oprah To Start Actively Discouraging Literacy

Emily Gould · 12/14/06 03:55PM

"Between this and James Frey, she'll never touch another Random House author," a tipster tells Galleycat. This, of course, in reference to the news yesterday that Kitty Kelley's long kicked around town unauthorized Oprah biography has finally landed at Crown, one of the publishing behemoth's zillion imprints. Though Kelly is talking like her bio will be a positive take on the Queen of All Media ("Oprah's story is one of hope, promise and realization of the American dream") we're a little skeptical. (We read that Nancy Reagan bio back in the day, and it scarred us for life a little. Kelley is the queen of 'but I didn't ever want to . . . okay, I kind of did want to know that but . . . oh god, not that! no!') So yes, we agree with that tipster: her Oness probably will be scaling back her efforts on behalf of Knopf, Bantam, Doubleday, Ballantine, One World, Villard, Pantheon, Anchor, Vintage, Spiegel & Grau, Broadway, Three Rivers, etc, etc, etc. So . . . the vast majority of all authors. Yup, farewell again, Oprah's Book Club! Well, unless this will be the next pick.

Kitty Kelley Deal Raises Eyebrows [Galleycat]

Kitty Kelley book due on Oprah [AP]