A documentary about the death of Princess Diana will debut next week at the Cannes Film Festival—and will feature a graphic paparazzi photo of the princess as she lay dying after a car crash in Paris.

Unlawful Killing (a leaked excerpt without death photos is above) provides an "inquest of the inquest" into Diana's death, actor and filmmaker Keith Allen explains in a column for the Guardian. It is a conspiracy theory.

Unlawful Killing is not about a conspiracy before the crash, but a provable conspiracy after the crash. A conspiracy organised not by a single scheming arch-fiend, but collectively by the British establishment—judges, lawyers, politicians, police chiefs, secret services, even newspaper editors—all of whom have been appointed to their positions because they are "a safe pair of hands." Just as compass needles all point north without being told to, so these people instinctively know what is expected of them when the state's interests are under threat and they act accordingly, quietly suppressing uncomfortable evidence or undermining the credibility of witnesses whose evidence contradicts the official narrative.

The death image was among the documents used during the official inquest—but even then it was deemed too graphic to appear unedited, and was pixelated.

Among Allen's financial backers is Mohamed Al-Fayed, the father of Diana's boyfriend Dodi, who also died in the car crash. A wealthy businessman and former owner of Harrods, Al-Fayed is famously suspicious about his son's death; in 1998 he accused Tony Blair of helping the royal "Dracula family" murder Diana and Dodi.

Unlawful Killing features interviews with Al-Fayed as well as respected journalists like Piers Morgan, Kitty Kelley, and, uh, Howard Stern. Allen claims he can't air the film in England because legal restrictions (anti-paparazzi laws?) would have required too many edits. [YouTube, Guardian, Guardian, Independent]