"Between this and James Frey, she'll never touch another Random House author," a tipster tells Galleycat. This, of course, in reference to the news yesterday that Kitty Kelley's long kicked around town unauthorized Oprah biography has finally landed at Crown, one of the publishing behemoth's zillion imprints. Though Kelly is talking like her bio will be a positive take on the Queen of All Media ("Oprah's story is one of hope, promise and realization of the American dream") we're a little skeptical. (We read that Nancy Reagan bio back in the day, and it scarred us for life a little. Kelley is the queen of 'but I didn't ever want to . . . okay, I kind of did want to know that but . . . oh god, not that! no!') So yes, we agree with that tipster: her Oness probably will be scaling back her efforts on behalf of Knopf, Bantam, Doubleday, Ballantine, One World, Villard, Pantheon, Anchor, Vintage, Spiegel & Grau, Broadway, Three Rivers, etc, etc, etc. So . . . the vast majority of all authors. Yup, farewell again, Oprah's Book Club! Well, unless this will be the next pick.

Kitty Kelley Deal Raises Eyebrows [Galleycat]

Kitty Kelley book due on Oprah [AP]