
Little Kids Can't Watch Spongebob Before Bed Because It's Too Awesome

Caity Weaver · 08/06/12 02:06PM

Human babies have long been observed to be inferior to their adult counterparts, in part because they are not old enough to compete (legally) in the Olympics, smart enough to solve Sudoku puzzles with no help, or tall enough to hand me that thing from the top shelf.

Chicago Nanny Stole $600 from Kids' Wallets; Kids Had $600 in Their Wallets

Caity Weaver · 04/10/12 10:19PM

A nanny in Northbrook, an affluent Chicago suburb, was arrested last week after she stole $600 from the wallets of the kids she was watching. According to a police report, the children's father confronted Alexandra Donohue, 22, after noticing the money was missing. She initially denied taking the money, but later admitted to police that she had — the one flaw in an otherwise flawless defense.

Child Genius Invents Awesome Monster Trap

Danny Gold · 03/08/12 08:27PM

Young Audri succeeds in inventing a "Rube Goldberg" machine to catch monsters. He also succeeds in making the rest of us feel very, very lazy and unaccomplished.

Eight-Year-Old Girl Releases First Relevant Hardcore Song in Two Decades

Max Read · 01/19/12 10:25AM

It's pretty well-known that hardcore has been awful basically ever since Earth Crisis jocks started ruining shows in the early 90s. But out of Australia comes its savior: eight-year-old Juliet, who loves slam-dancing, half-time breakdowns, and her dog Robert, and hates hypocrisy, frat boys, and the smell of her pet fish. Talk about "youth crew," am I right? "Youth crew"? Right? [via @Alex_Ogle]

Police Kill Armed Eighth Grader in School Hallway

Max Read · 01/04/12 02:05PM

Police in Brownsville, Texas, shot and killed an eighth grader in the hallway of his middle school today after he displayed a gun and "engaged" with officers. Welcome to 2012, everyone!

High School's Incest 'Prank' Is Year's Dumbest, Grossest Idea

Max Read · 12/15/11 01:15PM

Minnesota's Rosemount High had an awesome idea for a prank at this year's winter pep rally. Just awesome: blindfold all the sports captains and have them make out with people. And the "prank" part is that they're making out with their parents. Who aren't blindfolded.

Bullied Teen Shares Story of Pain and Perseverance in Online Video

Matt Cherette · 12/04/11 12:17AM

A teenage boy named Jonah Mowry posted the above video to YouTube in August, in which he uses note cards to share the heartbreaking story of what a lifetime of being bullied has done to him. It's one of the saddest things I've ever seen, by one of the bravest boys I've never met.

Kiddie Corner: Yes, Kids, Santa's Phone Number is 911

Max Read · 11/30/11 10:12AM

Hi Kids! Welcome to Gawker's famous "Kiddie Corner," a place just for you. Today, let's talk about 911. Does anyone know what 911 is? That's right! It's a phone number. A very important phone number. It's Santa Claus' phone number!

Watch a 12-Year-Old Put Your Startup To Shame

Ryan Tate · 11/14/11 06:11PM

This 12-year-old iPhone developer has a couple of all-too-rare things going for him: A solid product idea, and a strong ability to communicate with the public. The rest of the tech world should watch his TED talk—yes, his TED talk; what, haven't you done one?—and learn.