
Lacey Donohue · 11/24/13 11:18PM

Nearly 11 percent of children in the United States between the ages of 4 and 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD, according to CDC researchers. Two-thirds of those children are currently being medicated.

Lacey Donohue · 11/14/13 11:25PM

In what must be alarming news for clueless parents, it turns out that letting your children binge eat Flamin' Hot Cheetos can cause gastritis. A snack that burns tongues, dyes fingers red, and makes it look like you're shitting blood is harmful? No way, not possible.

Lacey Donohue · 10/16/13 06:26PM

A judge has ordered the 9-year-old boy who sneaked aboard a Delta flight to Las Vegas two weeks ago to live away from his parents while they all undergo therapy. The boy’s parents will be allowed visitation and phone contact with the boy while he stays in a county facility.

Lacey Donohue · 10/08/13 06:26PM

The 9-year-old boy who flew to Las Vegas without a ticket isn’t new to such shenanigans. He apparently has a “history” of taking the light rail without his parents to a local water park where he would sneak in by hiding with large families. And just two weeks ago, the boy stole a car and was arrested on the highway.

Jon Stewart to GOP: “Fuck You”

Lacey Donohue · 10/01/13 11:00PM

Jon Stewart, on fire again Tuesday night, blasted the GOP for their continuing hypocrisy in the shutdown crisis. He eviscerates Republicans who were so worried about the welfare of our nation’s children when White House tours were canceled in March. And yet these same Republicans, according to Stewart, are more than willing to let poor children starve as a result of reduced government services.

Lacey Donohue · 09/15/13 09:26PM

If your kid develops language skills at an early age, chances are he’ll also develop drinking skills at a much earlier age. Or so says the latest study that correlates early intellectual development with heavier drinking habits.

Victor Jeffreys II · 08/21/13 12:30PM

A playground, somewhere over the rainbow (East Village, NYC)

The Spelling Faces of the Scripps National Spelling Bee

Max Read · 05/31/13 07:46AM

Last night, Queens' own Arvind Mahankali, 13, won the Scripps National Spelling Bee by correctly spelling "knaidel," a Yiddish word for a kind of dumpling. (Mahankali had twice lost in the finals on Germanic words.) But Mahankali wasn't the only star—nearly every kid on the stage had presence. And good "concentration" faces.

Children Talking About Politics Will Never Not Be Amusing

Camille Dodero · 09/28/12 04:10PM

Adults interrogating children about Big Person Issues on camera is a completely original concept that was definitely invented by the Internet. But since it's been a gnarly Friday afternoon, let's cleanse our eyeballs with this short clip of kids talking about the 2012 presidential election at a Brooklyn block party. You will learn that the White House is located . . . at the beach! You vote by . . . getting some cardboard! The one character all the children of the world would unanimously vote for . . . is Spongebob!

I Am Man, Hear Me Sigh

John Cook · 08/29/12 03:00PM

Ann Romney's speech to the Republican National Convention last night featured an awkward and transparent pander to female voters, whose troubles the quarter-billionaire dressage enthusiast said she had "heard stories of." It culminated with a memorable, and failed, attempt to ape human affect with the line, "I love you, women!", and was premised on the increasingly anachronistic notion that women run their households while men golf or slurp beer on the couch. This may have been true in Ann Romney's home. It is, regrettably, not true in mine.