Seventh grader Jeremy Wuitschick got to drive and be a hero in the same day: the 13-year-old took control of the school bus after the driver fainted, successfully navigating 15 fellow students to safety.

The bus driver was gasping for air and waving his hands — meaning they weren't on the wheel. Luckily, Wuitschick stepped in before any damage was done.

Police officers were notified of a school bus driving erratically through town around 8 a.m. today, but by the time a officer arrived at the scene, Wuitschick had it under control. He had pulled the bus over in front of Discovery Primary School, which is adjacent to the school where the students were headed, Surprise Lake Middle School.

The kid says he was just "acting on instinct," a typical humble response from a 13-year-old hero. Nevertheless, the police are giving credit where credit's due. And it's safe to say Wuitschick is going to be way more popular walking down the halls of Surprise Lake Middle School.

Sadly, Wuitschick's quick thinking did little to help the bus driver, who suffered an unspecified heart problem. His current condition is "grave."

[Image via Flickr/bsabarnowl]