
You Don't Have to Get Old But You Do Have to Die

Hamilton Nolan · 11/04/11 03:28PM

Drug approval! Earthquake danger! Child risks! Ending aging! Cancer marathon! Texas therapy! Pneumonia vaccination! Robot walking! And a whole new way of looking at regulation! It's your Friday Health Watch, where we watch your health—with a heavy heart!

Dumb Teens Need the Internet to Survive

Leah Beckmann · 11/03/11 05:38PM

According to a study conducted by Cisco Systems, it's officially impossible to have a conversation with an 18-year-old human without them pulling out their Internet machine and logging on mid-sentence.

Mommy Made Me an Online Delinquent

Ryan Tate · 11/01/11 07:49PM

Researchers discovered the weak link in child protection laws: Parents. A federal rule designed to keep stalky marketers away from kids is being thwarted by moms and dads seeking to expose their kids to... stalky marketers, of the sort bundled into Facebook. We clearly need new laws, but a new set of parents wouldn't hurt, either.

Arrests Made in Chinese Toddler Death

Lauri Apple · 10/23/11 04:20PM

Two people have been arrested for the hit-and-run death of Wang Yue, the Chinese two-year-old left to die in the street. No word on what the formal charges are; police used the now-infamous surveillance footage to identify the suspects. As much as we dislike how camera'ed up and Big Brothery our public spaces have become, we're glad this particular incident was captured on video. [Washington Post]

Senate Defends Kids' Right to Stuff Their Faces with Potatoes

Jim Newell · 10/19/11 04:26PM

Washington's War on Potatoes appears to be wrapping up, and... let's see here... potatoes are winning! White potatoes, those excessively salted and fried and embacon'd starch rocks that are now limited to two weekly cafeteria servings under new USDA regulations for federally subsidized school lunches, will soon be freed, as the Senate voted yesterday to "block the USDA from putting any limits on serving potatoes or other vegetables in school lunches."

iPad Baby Can't Work a Magazine

Brian Moylan · 10/13/11 05:47PM

Here's a one-year-old child whose parents taught her to use an iPad. Now when she's given a magazine, she tries to move her finger over the pages, clueless that it doesn't work the same way.

France Wages War on Ketchup

Leah Beckmann · 10/07/11 03:43PM

The ever health-conscious French have placed ketchup on the guillotine and they aren't looking back. The beloved all-American condiment has been banned from school and college cafeterias throughout France, with one very crucial exception: when it accompanies French fries.

You Cannot Stop Junk Food From Eating Your Children

Hamilton Nolan · 10/07/11 12:16PM

You may think that you're one of those "good" parents. You read to your kids at night, and you don't let them play with guns, and you stripped most of the lead paint out of the playroom. Well, according to the latest scientific study, it's safe to give up. Your kids will inevitably die of McChicken-related diabetes sooner or later, no matter what you do.

This Toddler Has Issues with Justin Bieber

Matt Cherette · 09/30/11 02:54AM

Meet Teddy, a three-year-old from Canada and devoted Justin Bieber fan. In this video, Teddy is having a ball watching Bieber on TV when he turns wise-beyond-his-years and explains what it is about the pop star and fellow Canadian that he isn't quite so impressed with. [via BuzzFeed]

How a 14-Year-Old Girl Became an Unwilling Internet Pin-Up

Adrian Chen · 09/23/11 03:03PM

A particularly gross genre of Internet erotica has sprung up around alluring self-pictures of underage girls found on social media sites. But did you know there are actual people with real lives in those pictures? Meet Miami teen Angie Varona, whose life was turned upside down when she became an online sex symbol.

'Mischievous Magician' Arrested for Hypnotizing 75 Schoolchildren

Maureen O'Connor · 09/01/11 05:15PM

A "mischievous magician" and his two assistants are reportedly in police custody in southwestern Colombia after a "mass hypnosis" session that led to the hospitalization of 75 schoolchildren, according to a regional radio station. Parents of the afflicted students of the Institución Educativa Ciudad Mocoa have asked authorities to allow the magician to visit the hospital, so he can release the children from the trance.

Literal Babies Will Be Reporting on 2012 Campaign

Max Read · 08/30/11 09:54PM

Now that the American journalism establishment has been almost completely replaced by the Twitter account @depressionbook, how will the twenty or so Americans who care about politics receive their news about the presidential campaign? The answer: Babies.

Bird Flips Bird in Growing Kiddie Pic Epidemic

Richard Lawson · 08/23/11 01:51PM

First it was Chuck E. Cheese, and now it's Tweety Bird. A Dallas mother is furious with the Six Flags Fiesta Texas amusement park after noticing that in a photo taken with her daughters, Tweety Bird appears to be giving the middle finger.