
Mother Assaults Teen Over Too Much Rap Music at School Dance

Neetzan Zimmerman · 10/16/13 11:54AM

A Pennsylvania mother who volunteered to chaperone a local junior/senior high school dance was arrested this week for assaulting a student after becoming enraged by the abundance of rap music at the event.

Science Proves That Teenagers Don't Give a Damn About Anyone

Hamilton Nolan · 10/16/13 08:42AM

There is not one demographic group, including current prison inmates, more sociopathic than teenagers. The average 15 year-old private school student is more naturally inclined to antisocial acts than the average member of the Shabaab. Don't take my word for it—let a scientist tell you.

Gabrielle Bluestone · 10/12/13 11:49AM

At least one of the nine teenagers missing from a troubled youth camp in New Mexico has returned safely home to his parents, the AP reports. Authorities are investigating claims that staff members of the unlicensed program beat and shackled teenagers for minor rule violations.

MIT Frat's Beer-Pong Table Is the Nerd-Broiest Thing in Nerd Broville

Camille Dodero · 10/11/13 03:10PM

Nerd Broville, a mesh-shorted seaside town with Call of Duty casinos and a high-speed party monorail, has a new Mayor. His name is Christian Reed, he's a member of MIT's Phi Beta Epsilon fraternity, and he has solved a problem that's plagued nerd bros for eons: the sticky balls (heh) and constant spillage (heh heh) that come along with those long, arduous nights of Olympic beer-pong feats.

America Is Below Average, But Not the Dumbest Country!

Hamilton Nolan · 10/08/13 12:06PM

America seems to be locked in a permanent back-and-forth with the world's other developed nations: we call them "poor and weak," and they call us "uneducated and, frankly, dumb." Also, "fat." Well, we may be fat, but look out world: we're much smarter than the Italians!

Kids Who Start Dating Young Are Trouble, Just Like Grandma Said

Hamilton Nolan · 10/01/13 10:46AM

Most kids these days follow the rules and get home by curfew and restrict their "dating" activity to internet pornography, like normal young people. But the ones who start a-courtin' very young? They're trouble. Big trouble, baby.

What "Sellouts" Were

Hamilton Nolan · 09/30/13 02:00PM

Once upon a time not so long ago, there was an idea: that some things in this world should be able to exist free from the influence of money—that these things should be done because of their own intrinsic value. You would be forgiven for scoffing at the notion that this idea was ever taken seriously at all.

Good Son Returns Cash Stolen by Bad Dad

Neetzan Zimmerman · 09/30/13 12:08PM

When Christian Lunsford of Moore, Oklahoma, received a call from the county jail last month he didn't answer it. It was obvious that his father was in trouble with the law. Again.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/24/13 08:54AM

"Millennial males are rebelling against the mass culture they grew up in," marketers say. Also: "One in three say they are 'sneaker obsessed.' And nearly 80% said American brands are cool again."