
Brave Privileged Person Speaks Out Against Anti-Privilege Privilege

Hamilton Nolan · 09/23/13 02:41PM

Privilege: you know you have it. But... but why must you feel guilty about it? Is it not a fact that the true monsters are not the privileged people, but the people who make the privileged people feel bad about being privileged? We must defeat Anti-Priv Priv, for the sake of justice!

Attention, Young Criminals: Please Stop Bragging on Facebook

Hamilton Nolan · 09/19/13 10:32AM

As social media influencers, we here at are, needless to say, widely revered by young urban gang members. It is to the that we offer this public service announcement: stop talking about all your crimes, on the internet. Okay?

Study: White Country Boys are the Drunkest

Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/13 04:06PM

Those of you who were fortunate enough to attend a high school with white, rural, male students will be unsurprised to learn that white, rural, male high school students are wasted. So, so wasted.

Millennials Are Taking Their Parents to Work With Them

Hamilton Nolan · 09/11/13 08:51AM

The so-called "Millennial" generation—the devil-may-care social media influencers who hold in their tepid little hands the metaphorical keys to America's future—are now old enough to be working at "real" jobs. But not old enough to forsake mommy's warm embrace.

Watch a Teenager's Relationship Fall Apart Before Your Very Eyes [NSFW]

Neetzan Zimmerman · 09/10/13 02:59PM

Kids these days with their whozits and their whatzits and their living their lives entirely online to the point where the overabundance of personal and private information made public becomes an impediment to communication and the forming of real, honest, and long-lasting relationships.

Harvard Kids: Rich, Sexless Nerds

Hamilton Nolan · 09/06/13 11:53AM

Hello, there is a new survey out telling us EVERYTHING about the proud freshman class of Harvard. What are they like, these young, sexually frustrated leaders?

Awful Monster-Parents Cheapen Their Babies' Personal Brands on Twitter

Caity Weaver · 09/04/13 04:10PM

On Wednesday, NY Mag's Daily Intel ran a short post titled “Media Elites Are Creating Twitter Accounts for Their Babies,” profiling the Twitter accounts of somewhat famous people’s babies and the terrible monster-parents who created them (accounts and babies). As you expect might from a piece about parents branding their babies with the searing hot irons of social media, it was often blindingly infuriating.